Cloakwood Mines L4 |
2 of 2 |
Farmlands |
E Baldur's Gate |
Entrance room raided
Guard's room raided
Davaeorn killed
Key collected
Hearth room raided |
Library raided
Bedroom raided
Stephan interrogated
Treasure room raided |
Wenric: zombies killed
Farmhouse raided |
General scavenging
Lucky Aello's raided
House 1 raided
Niklos spoken to
House 2 raided |
2 of 6 |
3 of 6 |
4 of 6 |
5 of 6 |
House 3 raided
House 4 raided
Narlen: 1st test complete
Narlen: Stone stolen
Alatos: Oberon robbed |
Resar killed
Black Lily visited
Manual of Dexterity found
Thieves' Guild raided
Sorcerous Sundries visited |
Niemain's group killed
Halbazzer: cloak made
House 6 raided
Maltz's shop raided
Arkion: corpse retrieved |
Arkion's amulet collected
Arkion's house raided
Ordulinian: ring + amulet
Brevlik: telescope retrieved
Cyrdemac killed |
6 of 6 |
SE Baldur's Gate |
2 of 5 |
3 of 5 |
Elfsong Tavern raided
Silence's shop raided
Husam: meet arranged
Tamoko spoken to |
Nemphre: Arkion's amulet
Ring + amulet retrieved
Nemphre's house raided
General store raided
Taxek + Michael killed |
Taxek's house raided
House 1 raided
House 2 raided
Euric's amulet returned
Inn raided |
Well-adjusted Al's raided
Warehouse raided
House 3 raided
Nadarin's basilisk killed
Nadarin's warehouse raided
4 of 5 |
5 of 5 |
Baldur's Gate Docks |
2 of 6 |
House 4 raided
Rogue Stone stolen
Gantolandan killed
Gantolandan's house raided
G'axir's services obtained |
Lothander's antidote obtained
Elkart blackmailed |
Desreta + Vay-ya killed
Book of curses collected
Low Lantern raided
Ghorak cured
Ghorak's house raided |
Larriaz visited
Larriaz's house raided
Noralee's gauntlets returned
Noralee's warehouse raided
Basilisk killed |
3 of 6 |
4 of 6 |
5 of 6 |
6 of 6 |
Basilisk warehouse raided
Cordyr: Sil killed
Cordyr's house raided
Entillis killed
Zhalimar's group killed |
Letters collected
Iron Throne raided
Child's body collected
Anti-geas scroll obtained
House 1 raided |
House 2 raided
Ogre Mages killed
Ogre Mages' house raided
Cythandria's group killed
Arrested by Flaming Fist |
Harbor Master: Eltan safe |
SW Baldur's Gate |
2 of 6 |
3 of 6 |
4 of 6 |
General scavenging
Scar: Seven Suns report
Seven Suns raided
Scar: Doppelgangers killed
Scar: Ogre Mage's ring |
Eltan: letters presented
Tiax recruited
Fergus' ring obtained
Flaming Fist HQ raided
Aldeth: League investigated |
Merchant League raided
Weapons store 1 raided
Potions store 1 raided
Sunin's group killed
Sunin's house raided |
Phandalyn avoided
Tavern raided
House 1 raided
House 2 raided
Green Slimes killed |
5 of 6 |
6 of 6 |
W Baldur's Gate |
2 of 3 |
Ye Olde Inn raided
Weapons store 2 raided
Wiven's group killed
Wiven's house raided
House 3 raided |
Tamoko spoken to
Prison escaped
Benjy's group killed
Eltan rescued from Rashad |
Fenten: Ankheg sold
Fenten's house raided
Alora recruited
Brevlik's telescope collected
Hall of Wonders raided |
Forthel entertained
Agnasia: Ghorak cured
Tome obtained
Child's body returned
Tremain's house raided |