Location code: AR0146
Next stop: Undercity
Non-respawning: Doom
Guards, Gray Oozes, Green Slimes, Invisible Stalkers,
Mustard Jellies, Ochre Jelly, Skeleton Warriors
Single click the map
to reveal the traps and hidden doors.
Double-click the map to hide the traps and hidden doors.
It appears that green symbols daubed
on the walls indicate floor traps between each
pair of symbols. There are also red symbols but
there appears to be no consistency as to what they
might mean.
Planning for Baldur's Gate II
If you do not intend to return
to the city then ensure you have the Golden Pantaloons
and the three maximum exportable
items of your choice in your main character's
inventory if you intend to play Baldur's Gate II
- Shadows of Amn.
Voleta Stiletto will hail you. She has been wounded
by Sarevok as he fled through the maze.
Talk to Winski Perorate. He has been wounded by
the fleeing Sarevok. You can question him about
his role and Sarevok's plans.
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