Location code: AR1600
Next stop: Cloakwood
Wyverns (East)
Non-respawning: Baby
Wyverns, (unique enemies)
Respawning: Black
Bears, Brown Bears, Cave Bears, Dread Wolves, Huge
Spiders, Tasloi, Vampiric Wolves, Wild Dogs, Wolves,
Sleep disturbed by: Huge
Spiders, Tasloi
Waylaid by enemies: Mini-Guide
N: Cloakwood
Wyverns (AR6001
- 50%)
E: Cloakwood
Wyverns (AR6001 - 50%)
S: Cloakwood
Nest (AR6001 - 50%)
W: -
Talk to this Neutral Evil Human Bard. He wants your
help in rescuing Skie in Baldur's Gate. You can recruit
him or dismiss him.
Darts (10), Studded Leather Armor
Laskal will approach you and ask if you are with
the Iron Throne. You can say you are enemies of the
Throne and receive a potion or lie and say you are
with them, in which case he will attack. If Faldorn
is in your party he will leave.
TRUTH: Potion of Invulnerability
LIE: 1000 exp, serious loss of Reputation, Quarter Staff,
Leather Armor, Potion of Invulnerability, 12gp
Talk to this True Neutral Human Druid. You can recuit
her or dismiss her. If your NPC Reaction is 1-7 you
will need to talk to her twice before you can recruit
RECRUITED: Club, Leather
Takiyah will approach you. If Jaheira is in your
party he will attack. Kill him. If Faldorn is in
your party he will allow you to continue. If you
steer towards protecting the forest and killing bandits
as your motives he will also leave you alone.
REWARD: 120 exp, Quarter
Staff, Studded Leather Armor
and the tree-house
Enter the tree-house AR1601.
Raid the locked chest and the cupboard. Go upstairs AR1602.
Amarande will approach you. If Jaheria is in your
party he will attack. Kill him. If Faldorn is in
your party he will allow you to continue. Otherwise
you can say you are hunting bandits and he will direct
you to the Cloakwood Mines. Raid the cupboard and
Staff, Sling, Potion of Freedom, Potion of
Healing, Antidote, 6gp
SECOND FLOOR LOOT: Quarter Staff, Bullets +1 (10), Potion
of Fortitude
REWARD: 120 exp, Quarter Staff, Studded Leather Armor
Izefia will approach you. If Jaheira is in your
party he will attack. Kill him. If Faldorn is in
your party he will allow you to continue. Otherwise
he will talk about Peter of the North then leave.
REWARD: 120 exp, Quarter
Staff, Studded Leather Armor
of the North
Enter the cave AR1603.
Peter will hail you. He is up to no good. Kill him
and his Baby Wyverns.
PETER: 240 exp, Long
Bow, Long Sword, Arrows of Ice (6), Arrows
+1 (10), Arrows (30), Splint Mail, 20gp
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