Location code: AR2400
Next stop: Bandit
Camp (North)
Non-respawning: Bandits,
Flaming Fist, (unique enemy)
Respawning: Bandits,
Black Bears, Black Talon Elite, Brown Bears, Cave
Bears, Flinds, Giant Spiders, Gibberlings, Hobgoblins,
Hobgoblin Elite, Huge Spiders, War Dogs, Wild Dogs,
Wraith Spiders
Sleep disturbed by: Bandits,
Giant Spiders
Waylaid by enemies: Mini-Guide
N: Bandit
Camp (AR6001
- 20%)*
E: -
S: Larswood (AR5900
or AR6000 - 20%)
Spider Wood (AR5901 or AR6001 -
W: Bandit
Camp (AR5701
- 5%)*
Village (AR5900 - 20%)
Arm Inn (AR5900
- 20%)
* from Chapter 3 onwards
Raid the four barrels near the four largest lakes.
LOOT: 65gp
Viconia, a Neutral Evil Drow Cleric, will approach
you and plead you defend her from a Flaming Fist
Mercenary. If you allow him to take her she will
attack. You can assist her in which case she will
offer to join so long as your NPC Reaction is greater
than 8-20, otherwise she will leave. You can recruit
her or dismiss her. When she joins your reputation
will take a dip. There is a good chance that she
will battle Kivan if they are both in the party.
exp, Long Sword, Helmet, Small Shield, Plate
Mail Armor
RECRUITED: Reputation -2, Mace, Small Shield, Chainmail
KILLED: 800 exp, Mace, Small Shield, Chainmail Armor
Raiken will approach you. You can kill his bandits
with impunity before he initiates dialogue. Ensure
a character with strength greater than 14 talks to
him first. You can ask to join his group. He will
ask why you are interested. You can say "It's
a bloodthirsty job..." (STR must be 15+), or "You're
too good...". In either case he will recruit
you and take you to the Bandit
Camp. If you choose to goad him into conflict
instead you will have to kill him.
400 exp
REWARD: 650 exp, War Hammer +1, Medium Shield, Chainmail
Armor, 31gp
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