Mines Level 4
Location code: AR5404
Next stop: Valley
of the Tombs
Non-respawning: Ghoul, Gray Oozes,
Kobolds, Kobold Commando, Skeletons, (unique enemy)
Sleep disturbed by: Kobolds
Enter the cave AR5405.
You can rest here safely once Mulahey and his minions
have been killed.
Talk to this Lawful Neutral Elven Enchanter. You
can recruit him or dismiss him. Mulahey has his personalised
Moonblade if you want to recruit him. If you reject
him or your NPC Reaction is 1-7 he will swipe back
his Moonblade (if you have it) before departing.
Divide your forces. Mages and Fighters should enter
Mulahey's room while at least two characters such
as a Cleric and another Fighter or Thief should wait
near the narrowed route into the pool room. Talk
to Mulahey. Bring him to justice and do not accept
his surrender. The pool room will fill with Skeletons
and Kobolds when he turns hostile. Kill him. Raid
the chest. Collecting his letters will start Chapter
REWARD: 650 exp, Mulahey's
Holy Symbol, Ring of Holiness, Boots of Grounding,
Morning Star, Large Shield, Chainmail Armor,
LOOT: Moonblade, Short Sword +1, Potion of Absorption,
Potion of Healing (2), [Armor], [Infravision], [Charm Person],
[Sleep], [Identify], [Web], Letter (2), 790gp
Leave Mulahey's cave and head to the exit. This
will take you to the Valley
of the Tombs. The exit will collapse once you
have used it.
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