Location code: AR4600
Next stop: Gnoll
Stronghold (South)
Non-respawning: Brown
Bear, Hobgoblins, Hobgoblin Elite, Mountain Bear,
Ogre, Ogre Beserkers, (unique enemy)
Respawning: Black
Bears, Brown Bears, Cave Bears, Gibberlings, Hobgoblins,
Hobgoblin Elite, Ogres, Ogre Beserkers, Ogrillons,
Wild Dogs, War Dogs
Sleep disturbed by: Ogres,
Ogre Beserkers
Waylaid by enemies: Mini-Guide
N: -
E: Xvart
Village (AR5701
- 30%)
S: Gnoll
Stronghold (AR5700 - 50%)
W: -
Talk to Neville. You can ask that his men come out
of hiding and his troupe will attack, or demand all
his gold in which case he steals 55gp and leaves.
SCUPPER: 600 exp, Long
Sword + 1, Chainmail Armor, Bandit Scalp,
[Dispel Magic], 65gp
DEMAND: 100 exp, -55gp
Talk to the Ogre. He is not interested in fighting. If
you want assistance you can tackle Laurel's quest
first but do not talk to her once you have helped
her. If she sees the Ogre (once he turns hostile)
she will attack him. However if she kills him then
you will not gain the experience. Talk to
him again and he will attack. Kill him.
REWARD: 270 exp, Morning
Star, Random Treasure
and the gibberlings
Talk to Laurel. If your Reputation is less than
8 she will attack you. Otherwise she asks for your
help to kill some Gibberlings. Agree. Kill the Gibberlings
that arrive. Once they are all dead talk to her again.
LAUREL: 60 exp, Bastard
Sword, Medium Shield, Plate Mail Armor
and the Mountain Bear
Jared will approach you. He is running scared of
a bear over the bridge west of his location. Kill
the bear. Return and talk to Jared.
BEAR: 900 exp
NPC REACTION 15-20: 150 exp, Boots of the North
NPC REACTION 8-14: 150 exp, 50gp
NPC REACTION 1-7: 100 exp
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