Location code: AR2600
Next stop: Lion's
Non-respawning: Rats, (unique enemies)
N: -
E: Lion's
S: -
W: -
If you are a novice player speak
to the many green-robed tutors scattered throughout
this area for advice.
Opening containers in private rooms
or houses yields a high chance of detection by the
local guard. You're only hope of avoiding a penalty
is to escape before the guard initiates
conversation. Attacking the
guard is generally a bad move for non-evil or
low-level characters as you will suffer loss
of reputation, turn nearby onlookers
and you may end up dead.
Once the
guard is alerted
don't return to the scene of your crime for 1 hour
(5 mins in real time). In Candlekeep the repercussions
are much less severe: carefully
raid as much as you want then if a guard catches
tell them to get lost and run for the exit! Just
don't get into a fight with them.
You begin outside the Candlekeep Inn.
AR2600 x 1110 y 600
weapons and armour
Visit Winthrop at the Candlekeep Inn AR2616 for
supplies as you see fit. You may also want to visit
the Temple of Oghma. Wait until you have completed
every possible sidequest in Candlekeep and raided
every possible cupboard for items to sell on, this
your budget. Consider buying helmets as not all fighter
type NPCs come equipped with them.
Inn, 1st floor AR2616
Raid the locked cupboard in the office and the shelves
in the kitchen.
LOOT: [Armor], [Infravision], Dagger, 18gp
_ _ _ 2nd floor AR2617
Rooms numbered clockwise from immediately north
of stairs.
Raid the locked drawers (Rooms 201), locked drawers
(Rooms 204) locked drawers (Rooms 205), locked
drawers (Rooms
206) and the drawers (Room 207). You will need a Halfling
Thief with 19 Dexterity and all starting skills invested
in Lock Picking to open the drawers in Room 201.
LOOT: Potion of Clarity, Star Sapphire, Flamedance
Ring, Silver Necklace, 126gp
scroll of identify
Enter the Candlekeep Inn AR2616.
Talk to Firebead Elvenhair. He asks you to collect
a scroll from Tethtoril. Return the scroll to Firebead.
Alternatively you could keep it. If you talk to Firebead
30 times he will give you some gold.
REWARD: 50 exp, Potion
of Healing, he also casts Protection from
Evil on you
OR: [Identify]
History of Halruaa
Talk to Phlydia. Offer to find her missing book.
Head east until you find Dreppin.
Talk to him. He will tell you her book is in the
haystack behind him x 3249
y 286. Take the book back to Phlydia. If your NPC
Reaction is favourable she will give you a gem
as a reward.
PICKPOCKET: Gold Necklace,
Lynx Eye Gem
NPC REACTION 8-20: 50 exp, Lynx Eye Gem
NPC REACTION 1-7: 50 exp
the assassin
Enter the Priest's Quarters AR2602.
Shank will attack. Kill him. You will be approached
by Parda, a concerned monk, after the battle.
REWARD: 20 exp, Dagger
Quarters AR2602
Raid the table, locked chest and stack of crates.
LOOT: Warhammer, Dagger, 8gp
and Nessa the cow
Talk to Dreppin. He may mention Phlydia's missing
book if that sidequest is not complete. He needs
some antidote for his cow. Go to the Barracks, the
antidote is inside a chest in the NE corner. See Hull sidequest.
Once you have the antidote return it to Dreppin.
REWARD: 50 exp
of Oghma
Talk to the Priest of Oghma. He offers typical clerical
and Erik
Talk to Jondalar. He will start combat with you.
His companion Erik will try to hit you with arrows.
Their attacks don't hurt. It serves only to show
you how to attack people.
Talk to Reevor outside the Storehouse AR2606.
He wants you to kill rats. Go inside and kill the
rats. Talk to Reevor again outside.
REWARD: 50 exp, 5gp
Storehouse AR2606
Raid the NW barrel.
LOOT: Silver Ring
long sword
Talk to Hull. He has forgotten his sword. Go to
the Barracks. Inside AR2618 to
the NE is a chest. Take Hull's Long Sword and the
Antidote (which is for Dreppin).
Return the sword to Hull.
50 exp, 20gp
NPC REACTION 1-14: 50 exp, 10gp
Talk to the Gatewarden for painless six party member
combat practice before you meet real monsters. Head
to the Cellars. The Gatewarden will wait outside
the building for you until you have spoken to him
again. Inside AR2643 you
will be hailed by Obe who will summon monsters for
you and a party of five NPCs (Arkanis, Mordaine,
Osprey, Deder and Canderous) to fight with. You will
only get experience for Gibberlings and Kobolds.
REWARD: 48 exp, 21gp
Enter the infirmary AR2605 and
speak to the Priest of Oghma. Tell him you need healing.
He will give you a potion.
of Healing
GIFT: Potion of Healing
Infirmary AR2605
Raid the locked desk.
LOOT: Potion of Healing
the assassin
Enter the Bunkhouse AR2607.
Carbos will attack. Kill him. You will be approached
by Karan, a concerned monk, after the battle.
REWARD: 20 exp, Dagger
Bunkhouse AR2607
Raid the trunk outside.
LOOT: 15gp
Enter the Barracks AR2618 and
talk to Fuller. Ask him what errands you could do.
Leave and buy some bolts from Winthrop at the Candlekeep
Inn. Return to the Barracks to give the bolts to
Fuller. Also inside the Barracks to the NE is a chest.
Take Hull's Long Sword (return it to Hull)
and the Antidote (which is for Dreppin).
50 exp, Dagger +1
NPC REACTION 1-14: 50 exp, 10gp
Barracks AR2618
Raid the four locked chests inside to the W and
the barrel outside.
LOOT: Dagger (2), Long Sword (2), War Hammer, Battle
Axe, Mace, 8gp
to Gorion
Once you speak to Gorion you essentially have two
options: say you are ready to leave and Chapter 1
will begin, or say you're not ready (useful if you
have sidequests still to do or items to buy). You
can always come back if you say you are not ready.
Once you leave you cannot return until Chapter 5.
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