Location code: AR2700
Next stop: Coast
Way (East)
Respawning: Black Bears, Diseased
Gibberlings, Wolves
Sleep disturbed by: Diseased Gibberlings
Waylaid by enemies: Mini-Guide
N: Coast Way (AR6100 - 5%)
E: Coast Way (AR6100 - 5%)
S: High Hedge (AR5900 - 20%)
W: Candlekeep
Imoen, a Neutral Good Human Thief, will hail you
at the start of this Chapter. You can either recruit
her or dismiss her. Always recruit when a new NPC
comes along, dismissing someone who won't be offended
in their place such as Imoen. Review the new NPC
and if they are not worth keeping, strip them of
their equipment and ask the rejected NPC to rejoin.
Magic Missiles OR Short Sword, Arrow (40),
Short Bow, Oil of Speed, Potion of Healing
(3), 2gp
Collect the several items dropped by Gorion and
the monsters he killed. If you want to collect them
without combat use Imoen or another thief to sneak
past any monsters.
LOOT: Gorion's Scroll,
Dagger, Morning Star (2), Random Treasures
(2), 58gp
and Montaron
Talk to this Chaotic Evil Human Necromancer and
Neutral Evil Halfling Fighter / Thief. You can recruit
them or dismiss them. Xzar will offer you a potion
as a gesture of goodwill. Accept it. If you do not
want them, strip them of their possessions then dismiss
them. If you dismiss one the other will leave too.
If you have never recruited them before Chapter 3
they will have leave the area for good. There is
a good chance that they will battle Khalid and Jaheira
if they are in the party.
Short Sword, Studded Leather Armor, Potion
of Healing (2), Oil of Speed, [Larloch's
Minor Drain], [Chill Touch], 10gp
Use the exact location x 4418
y 1957 to find a diamond hidden inside a
tree trunk.
BONUS: Diamond
Party strategy
Now is the time to plan ahead. If
you already know which NPC's you want in your group
now is the time to go off and get them BEFORE you
fight any monsters! Ideally you want to collect as
many of your six companions as you can before you
reach Level 2, thus you can shape their development
from the earliest possible stage. To complete the
time urgent quest for Minsc and Dynahier use a thief
to sneak into the Gnoll Stronghold and give Dynaheir
an Oil of Speed. Sneak back out then have her race
out so that you can flee the map when she arrives.
You can avoid most battles by hugging the edge of
each map and running if attacked. Once you have your
companions together come back to Lion's Way to start
killing monsters.
The Constitution swindle
In another Area is a Manual of Bodily
Health that permanently increases your Constitution.
Only fighters will benefit from a Constitution higher
than 16. To gain the most from this book you want
to grab it before you reach Level 2. This is a challenge
for a Level 1 character so requires some planning.
If you are not a thief then recruit Imoen. Head east
to the Coast Way.
Avoid all combat. Run south to Beregost.
Run west to High
Hedge. Run south to Red
Canyons. Run west to Lighthouse.
Rest until night - darkness is your friend. If your
best thief is not strong, dump everything except
the Oil of Speed. The Tome is very heavy. Using stealth
head to the NW corner x 430
y 887. Save where you can hide out of view
of monsters. Staying in stealth mode sneak past the
Sirines into Black
Alaric's cave. If at any point you are in trouble
drink an Oil of Speed and run, make sure the effects
are still working when you exit the cave. The cave
is trapped and contains lethal golems. It may take
a few attempts but you should be able to disarm the
traps, sneak about and raid the pool to the north.
Two hits from the golems will probably kill her.
Once you have secured the book return quickly to
rejoin your party.
Killing Drizzt
It's thoroughly evil but a popular
way of gaining some awesome weapons. You should plan
ahead for this encounter. The higher your reputation
the more you stand to lose if you kill Drizzt. There
are two considerations before you can make the attempt:
invisibility or reliable stealth and the Animate
Dead spell (requires Cleric Level 5). You should
also minimise your reputation loss by keeping your
reputation at 14 before the encounter. You may need
to avoid side quests which boost it until Drizzt
is dead, after which you can mop up all those repuation-boosting
quests in rapid succession. Bewarned that if you
have a Paladin, your reputation must not become deplorably
evil as you will lose your special abilities. See Fisherman's
Lake for more details.
Fergus' Angel Skin Ring
When you eventually reach Baldur's
Gate you will need an Angel Skin Ring to complete
Fergus' sidequest. Be on the lookout for one and
keep it with your party until the alotted time.
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