Location code: AR3600
Next stop: Archaeological
Site (South)
Non-respawning: Flesh Golems *,
Hobgoblins, Hobgoblin Elite, Sirines, Worgs, (unique enemy)
Respawning: Carrion
Crawlers, Dire Wolves, Dread Wolves, Flesh Golems, * Hobgoblins,
Hobgoblin Elite, Tasloi, Wolves, Worgs
Sleep disturbed by: Sirines
Waylaid by enemies: Mini-Guide
N: Shipwreck's
Coast (AR5800 - 20%)
E: Red
Canyons (AR5700 or AR5900 - 20%)
S: Archaeological
Site (AR5801
- 20%)
W: -
Sirine combat
Sirine's use Dire Charm to take control
of your party members and use them against you! Have
Dispel Magic at hand to counter them.
Pallonia will approach you and talk of forces at
and Sil
1 | Part 2* | Part
Killing the Sirines is part of Cordyr's sidequest
(from Baldur's Gate) but can be completed before
you meet him. Sil will hail you then she and her
Sirines will attack. Kill them. If you were sent
by Cordyr return
to him at the Baldur's
Gate Docks.
SIL: 2000 exp, Short
Bow, Arrows of Biting (5), Pearl
Alaric's cave
click the map to reveal the traps.
Double-click the map to hide the traps.
Enter the cave AR3601.
Kill the Flesh Golems. Raid the pool for treasures.
LOOT: Wand of Paralyzation,
Darts of Wounding (10), Cloak of the Wolf,
Potion of Infravision, Potion of Absorption,
Elixir of Health, Antidote, Manual of Bodily
Health, 312gp
You will need a male in the party to talk to this
Chaotic Neutral Human Thief. She wants to recover
some treasure from a cave to the NW of this map.
You can recruit her or dismiss her. If you do not
want her then strip her of her possessions and dismiss
Leather Armor, 15gp
Talk to Arkshule who will read your palm. If you
pressure her to reveal more when she pauses she will
attack - dialogue options 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1. Kill
REWARD: 600 exp, Quarter
Staff, Mage Robe of Cold Resistance, [Burning
Hands], 38 gp
Talk to Ardrouine. Her son is trapped by some Worgs
near the Lighthouse. Agree to help and go and kill
the Worgs. Return to Ardrouine.
REWARD: 500 exp, Reputation
+1, 60 gp
* items and/or changes are only available if you have installed the DudleyFixes.
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