Location code: AR3100
Next stop: Lighthouse (West
from Red Canyons)
Non-respawning: Half
Ogres, Ogre, Ogre Berserkers, Ogre Mage, Ogrillons,
Respawning: Carrion
Crawlers, Dire Wolves, Dread Wolves, Ghasts, Ghouls,
Kobolds, Ogres, Ogre Berserkers, Ogrillons, Wolves
Sleep disturbed by: Dire
Wolves, Ghasts, Ogre Berserkers
Waylaid by enemies: Mini-Guide
N: -
E: High
Hedge (AR5900
- 20%)
S: Lighthouse (AR5800
- 20%)
W: -
Sirine combat
Sirine's use Dire Charm to take control
of your party members and use them against you! Have
Dispel Magic and ranged weapons at hand to counter
and Droth
Talk to Shoal, who will ask for your help, ensuring
the nominated spokesman is not your
main character. She will then kiss that party member.
The kiss will kill the recipient. Attack her until she talks to
you again. She will restore your companion in exchange
for helping her by killing an Ogre Mage. You can
agree or kill her. If you agree your dead companion
will return so re-equip them. The Ogre Mage will
appear. Kill him. Talk to Shoal afterwards.
KILL SHOAL: 5000 exp,
HELP SHOAL: 1725 exp, Bastard Sword, Helmet of Defense,
Horn Coral Gem, 129gp
Talk to Mad Arcand. If your NPC Reaction is 15-20
he asks you to collect a ring from the wrecked ship
SW from his position. Agree. Collect the ring and
return it to him. Even if your Reaction is too low
for him to ask for your help you can still bring
the ring to him. It's cursed so don't wear it or
keep it.
REWARD: 300 exp, Oil
of Fiery Burning
You can pickpocket the Surgeon. Talk to him. Ask
him who he is and he will give you a potion before
healing your party.
of Healing, Potion of Magic Protection, Elixir
of Health, Antidote
BONUS: Potion of Magic Protection
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