Upper Level 1 AR0502 |
Upper Level 2 AR0503 |
Upper Level 3 AR0504 |
Upper Level 4 AR0505 |
Basement AR0501 |
Durlag's Upper Levels
Location code: AR0501-AR0505
Next stop: Durlag's
Labyrinth Level 1
Non-respawning: Demonknight,
Ghasts, (unique enemies)
Sleep disturbed by: Ghouls
[Upper L1];
Ghasts, Skeletons [Upper L2, Upper L3, Basement];
Skeletons [Upper L4]
Single click the maps to reveal the traps and hidden doors.
Double-click the maps to hide the traps and hidden doors.
Guided Tour
1 | Part
2 | Part 3*
You will find yourself on the 1st floor of the tower AR0502.
Talk to Ike several times as he relays tales of the
tower until he offers to sell you a wardstone (marked
with two lines intersecting a diagonal line). You
do not need to buy it. If you do this will trigger
the appearance of a Demonknight who will attack with
Fireballs and kill Ike. Evade his attacks until he
leaves, as you will not be able to kill him.
IKE'S LOOT: Dagger, 356gp
Interior, 1st floor AR0502
Raid the barrel and chest in the store room and
the locked chest by the SW stairs.
LOOT: Dagger, 6gp
Part 1* | Part
Go up to the 2nd floor AR0503.
Leave the floor via the rooftop stairs which take
you to the exterior of Durlag's
2nd floor AR0503
Raid the trapped and locked chest in the simple
room, the trapped and locked chest in the E bedroom,
the trapped and locked drawers in the SE bedroom, two barrels by
the N stairs and the barrel in the kitchen.
LOOT: Arrows of Fire (20), Oil of Speed, Potion of Strength,
Potion of Invisibility, Moonstone Gem, Turquoise Gem,
Chrysoberyl Gem, Horn Coral Gem, 73gp
Go up to the 3rd floor AR0504.
Talk the Ghost. He will mistake you for Durlag and
attack. Kill him.
GHOST: 3750 exp
and Riggilo
You should be on the 3rd floor AR0504.
Riggilo will approach you. If you provoke him he
will attack. Alternatively persuade him that you
want to share out the loot. Go up to the 4th floor AR0505.
Talk to Kirinhale, a succubus. You can refuse her
requests in which case she will attack, or offer
to help her out of her predicament. She wants to
be freed from a curse. Take the lock of her hair
she gives you and go down to the 3rd floor. Give
the hair to Riggilo. Say it is to prevent a dagger
in your backside and he will give you a potion in
exchange. Return to Kirinhale who will teleport out.
If you return to Riggilo he will attack you. Kill
him. Alternatively you can kill Kirinhale when you
first meet her.
EXCHANGE: Potion of
Cloud Giant Strength
ESCAPED: 4000 exp
RIGGILO: 1400 exp, Lock of hair from Kirinhale, Short Sword
+1, Leather Armor +1, Star Diopside Gem, Chrysoberyl Gem, 170gp
KIRINHALE: 3000 exp, Lock of hair from Kirinhale, Staff
Spear +2
Interior, 3rd floor AR0504
Raid the barrel by the N stairs, the trapped altar
in the chapel, the locked trunk in Riggilo's room, the trapped
and locked chest and locked chest in the treasure room,
the trapped and locked cupboard and locked wardrobe in
the Ghost's room, the barrel in the kitchen and the three
bookcases in the library.
LOOT: Tome of Understanding, Wand of Lightning, Chainmail
+1, Potion of Healing, Oil of Speed, Potion of Genius,
Potion of Stone Form, Potion of Invulnerability, History
of Shadowdale (2), History of the North (3), History
of Halruaa, History of King, Chrysoberyl Gem, Gold Necklace,
Silver Necklace, 169gp
Interior, 4th floor AR0505
Raid the barrel by the N stairs, the trapped and
locked chest in the bedroom, the locked wardrobe
in the games room and the weapons rack.
LOOT: Halberd (2), Halberd +1, Spear, Darts of Wounding
(10), Darts of Stunning (10), Cloak of Protection +1,
Mage Robe of Electrical Resistance, Moonstone Gem
Talk to Bayard. He has some information on the
tower and Dalton, who is missing from Ulgoth's Beard.
Interior, Basement AR0501
Raid the barrel in the ghast room, two barrels
in the central room and the trapped and
locked tile in the tiled alcove.
LOOT: Leather Armor +1, Sunstone Gem, Turquoise Gem,
Star Sapphire, Ring of Protection +1, 657gp
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