Location code: AR4100
Next stop: Fishing
Village (North of Friendly Arm Inn)
Non-respawning: Diggers,
Doomsayer, Flind, Gnoll, Gnoll Chieftain, Gnoll Elite,
Gnoll Slashers, Gnoll Veteran, Hobgoblin, Kobold
Commandos, (unique enemies)
Respawning: Black
Bears, Brown Bears, Cave Bears, Dread Wolves, Ghouls,
Huge Spiders, Tasloi, War Dogs, Wild Dogs, Wolves
Sleep disturbed by: Dread
Wolves, Tasloi
Waylaid by enemies: Mini-Guide
N: Lighthouse (AR5801
- 20%)
E: Fisherman's
Lake (AR5700 - 20%)
Red Canyons (AR5700
- 20%)
S: Xvart
Village (AR5700 - 20%)
W: -
Ba'ruk will demand silence. Antagonise him and he
will attack with some Kobold Commandos. Kill them.
BA'RUK: 165 exp, Bastard
Sword, Composite Long Bow, Arrows (20), Helmet,
Leather Armor, Random Treasure (3), 5gp
and the Idol of Kozah
Talk to Charleston. He seeks your protection. Push
him to a deal for 100gp - dialogue options 1, 1,
2, 3, 1. When he has gone Gallor will approach you
and suggest an alternative use of your services.
If you prefer his evil proposal you should ensure
you ask for a reward before agreeing. He will offer
900gp - dialogue options 2, 3 ,3, 3. If you agree
to Gallor: once you have been to the inner sanctum
of the tomb you must ensure everyone is dead and
return to him with the idol. Alternatively good people
will refuse him outright. You can pickpocket Charleston.
Whichever moral path you choose you must talk to
Charleston again outside the tomb before the plot
kicks off. You will be taken inside the tomb AR4101.
The workers will go mad and attack. Kill them. Talk
to Charleston. You can raid the sarcophagus for an
idol after talking to him otherwise he'll take it
from you. If you are working for Gallor then kill
Charleston. When you leave the tomb with the idol
a Doomsayer will attack you. Plenty of defensive
spells and summoned creatures can help. Afterwards
you can either give the idol to Gallor or take it
to the ghost
of Ulcaster at Ulcaster along
with the Ancient
Armor from the Firewine
Sunstone Gem
HELPED CHARLESTON: 1000 exp, Reputation +1, 100gp
KILL CHARLESTON FOR GALLOR: serious Reputation decrease,
Sunstone Gem
LOOT: Idol of Kozah
DOOMSAYER: 4000 exp
GIVE IDOL TO GALLOR: Reputation -2, 900gp
and Captain Brage
1 | Part 2* | Part
Approach Laryssa from the west. You can insist Brage
must die in which case she will attack. Kill her
with ranged weapons and spells so that she is dead
before Brage sees you. Now let him approach. He will
ask his riddle. You can mis-guess and fight Brage
or answer correctly: DEATH. If you fight him you
can claim the bounty from Oublek in Nashkel by
taking his body back as proof. If you answer the
riddle correctly you can take him to Nalin at
the Temple of Helm in Nashkel.
You can return directly afterwards to collect Laryssa's
equipment if you want.
LARYSSA: 600 exp, Flail,
Small Shield +1, Studded Leather Armor
KILL BRAGE: 1400 exp, Brage's Body, Two Handed Sword Cursed
Berserking +3, Chainmail Armor, Potion of Stone Giant Strength,
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