BG1 Errors: scripts
Page 1: Script errors; and dialogue errors (A
to J)
Page 2: Dialogue errors (K
to Z); and arguable errors that have not been fixed
To download the FIXES shown below please go to the FixPacks page.
involves edit of the DIALOG.TLK file * - denotes new custom files or new DIALOG.TLK strings required to
effect the fix
Script Errors (mostly)
15.11.04 AR0114.BCS
Blushing Mermaid, AR0114 - incorrectly references
Change !Exists("DETRAN")
to !Exists("Detranion").
05.11.04 AR0307.BCS, AR0308.BCS, CREW1.CRE, CREW2.CRE,
- Counting House, AR0307 and AR0308 - both area
scripts conflict with the dialogue
of Ulf and Kieres respectively
such that if you end up in a fight with Ulf,
he triggers an action that tries
to turn the guards hostile (who are upstairs
from him) and if you fight with
Kieres, he turns the crewmates
hostile (who are downstairs from him). It would
seem most likely that the guards should guard
the lower floor and the crewmates
are with their captain. If there is any
doubt the captain calls to his "mates" for
- Change all "CREW#" references for
corresponding "LEAGGU#" in
- Change all "LEAGGU#" references for
corresponding "CREW#" in
- Change Script name attributes in each CREW#.CRE
from "leaggu#" to a corresponding "crew#".
05.11.04 AR0502.BCS
- Tourist, AR0502 -
is unaffected by the area script due to use
of an incorrect death variable reference.
- Change action from ActionOverride("Tourist4",Face(8))
to ActionOverride("Tourist3",Face(8)).
15.11.04 AR0612.BCS
Iron Throne,
AR0612 -
incorrectly references Tralithan.
Change !Exists("TRALIT")
to !Exists("Tralithan").
15.11.04 AR0613.BCS
Iron Throne, AR0613 -
incorrectly references Kalessia.
- Change !Exists("KALESS")
to !Exists("Kalessia").
15.11.04 AR0614.BCS
Iron Throne, AR0614 -
incorrectly references Wirthing.
- Change !Exists("WIRTHI")
to !Exists("Wirthing").
15.11.04 AR0616.BCS
Iron Throne, AR0612 -
incorrectly references Pang Wallen and Dhanial.
- Change !Exists("PANGWA")
to !Exists("Pang").
- Change !Exists("DHANIA")
to !Exists("Dhanial").
15.11.04 AR0800.BCS
E Baldur's Gate, AR0800 -
references a non-existent character.
- Delete 2nd block.
05.11.04 AR1000.BCS, AR2000.BCS
- Isle of Balduran voyage -
the journey to and from werewolf island takes
3 hours! No specific length of time is mentioned but it's
more than 20 days. Additionally, reloading a game having returned from the
werewolf island causes the "voyage home" movie
to play again.
- In AR2000.BCS add DayNight(MIDNIGHT)
DayNight(NOON) twenty times(!) to
the head of the list of actions in the
IslandTravel block.
- In AR1000.BCS move IslandTravel block
to top of script, add Continue()
as last action, make SetGlobal first action, add
DayNight(MIDNIGHT) DayNight(NOON) twenty
times(!) after SetGlobal
15.11.04 AR1003.BCS
Storehouse, AR1003 -
incorrectly references the Cult Wizard.
Remove ActionOverride("CultWizard1",Face(12)).
- Change facing direction for CULT2 action
to 0.
16.01.05 AR1008.BCS, SHANDAL2.CRE
- Shandalar's wardstone, AR1008 -
is meant to be required so the mage
can bring you back to Ulgoth's Beard but only
the cloak
is called for in the scripting. Jonathan
Ellis points out that: "Some characters
*pickpocket* Shandalar, for his high-level
spell scrolls. It is possible also
to pick his pocket for the wardstone.
might sell
it, not knowing what it was for, and
then find yourself being sent
to the Ice
Island without the wardstone. Bioware may have intended
that you could travel back
with just the Cloak if you had lost or sold
the Wardstone. However, this not only makes nonsense of
Shandalar handing you something he has already had pickpocketed
from him but plot-wise means you are stranded on the prison
isle. Proposed solution:
allow the wardstone
to be pickpocketed from Shandalar -
it must
be given at the moment the players
are transported.
Additionally, he has a
Robe of the Neutral Archmagi incorrectly assigned
to his Cloak slot rather than Armor
- Add trigger PartyHasItem("MISC2H")
to BCS.
- Remove MISC2H.ITM from Quick item
2 Slot and add to Gloves Slot.
- Move CLCK16.ITM from Cloak to
05.11.04 AR1100.BCS
- Dabron Sashenstar, AR0700 -
accuses you of killing Aldeth in Cloakwood
even if you killed Aldeth at the Merchant
League in Baldur's Gate. The solution
means that if Aldeth survives to make it to Baldur's
Gate then Dabron, assuming all is well,
will not appear.
- Add action to Aldeth's Chapter 5
CreateCreature block SetGlobal("SpawnDabron","GLOBAL",1).
15.11.04 AR1300.BCS
SE Baldur's Gate,
AR1300 -
incorrectly references Alan Blackblade.
Change !Exists("ALANBL")
to !Exists("Alan").
05.11.04 AR1800.BCS
- Dradeel, AR1800 - acts
as narrator after the mines are flooded but
he unnecessarily duplicates the Freed Slave's
appearance and journal entry and could not
be in Cloakwood and on the distant Isle of
Balduran at the same time.
- Remove action CreateCreature("NARRAT",[3099.722],0)
// Dradeel.
26.01.05 AR2300.BCS, ELMIN3.CRE
- Elminster, AR2300 - is incorrectly
referenced by the area script as he has no Script
An incorrect trigger also prevents
his appearance.
- Change trigger in 1st block Global("ElminsterSpawn","GLOBAL",0)
to Global("ElminsterSpawn","GLOBAL",1).
- Change action in 1st block from SetGlobal("ElminsterSpawn","GLOBAL",1)
to SetGlobal("ElminsterSpawn","GLOBAL",2).
- Change Script name to Elmin3.
05.11.04 FGOLEM.BCS
- Flesh Golems, AR3202 - if
Thalantyr is attacked his golems come to his
aid but if they are attacked (after he has
turned them neutral) he just stands there as
if nothing is happening. Considering the investment
a mage must make in creating guardians he should
probably feel threatened if adventurers destroy
- Add action ActionOverride("Thalantyr",Enemy())
to 2nd action block.
15.11.04 NARCUT01.BCS,
- Narlen Darkwalk and Resar, AR0153 -
will still attempt to intervene in Resar's
treacherous attack even when Resar has
been killed. This could happen if you finished
Alatos' quest before completing Narlen's
second quest, forcing Biff the Understudy
to appear.
- Delete entire 1st block from NARLEN.BCS.
- Add a NEW second response to [States
0, 1 and 2] using DLTCEP.
- Delete action SetGlobal("ResarAttack","GLOBAL",1)
from [Responses 0, 2 and 4].
- Add NEW [Response triggers 0, 1,
2] !Global("NarlenMove","GLOBAL",7).
- Add NEW [Response triggers 3, 4,
5] Global("NarlenMove","GLOBAL",7).
- Add Trigger flags to [Responses 0,
2 and 4] 0, 1 and 2 respectively.
- The new [Responses 1, 3 and 5] should
be identical to [Responses
0, 2 and 4] respectively except for Trigger
indices (3, 4, 5) and Action
indices (5, 6, 7).
- Write [Actions 5, 6 and 7]
ClearAllActions() StartCutSceneMode()
- Add ActionOverride("Resar",Enemy())
as 2nd action in NARCUT01.BCS.
Remove EndCutSceneMode() action.
- Add action to top of [Action 17]
in NARLEN.DLG AddexperienceParty(2000).
05.01.05 SHIP.BCS
- Ship trigger, AR1500 -
several party members can be left behind once
the ship sets sail for Ulgoth's Beard if they
involved in other actions such as moving or fighting
at the time the trigger is activated.
- Add action ClearAllActions()
to top of BCS.
15.11.04 SHOAL.BCS,
- Shoal, AR3100 - can be
exploited by killing Droth then making her
go hostile by pickpocketing her, hit her
once then she will initiate dialogue and
give you the reward then you can kill her
before she escapes. Thanks to Frank Horrigan
for this one!
Also, her DLG contains
two incorrect actions.
- Add trigger !Dead("Droth")
to BCS.
- Change actions in [States 6 and 7] from ActionOverride("Droth",MoveToPoint([2900.525])
to ActionOverride("Droth",MoveToPoint([2900.525])).
05.11.04 AR1901.ARE,
- Tazok, AR1900 - can be
killed in the challenge battle before he
gives you the run of the camp. He then
appears in the Undercity as part of the plot which
would make no sense. Strictly speaking he
should not be killable which could be resolved
by scripting a cut scene once he has reached
50% HPs forcing dialogue with the PC before
he leaves with his henchmen. Thanks to
Frank Horrigan for spotting this one! Big thanks
to Smoketest for coming up with a solution!
Because many people kill Tazok for his
gauntlets I have added
these items instead to the trapped chest
in the main tent of the bandit camp.
Also Teven and Raiken "vanish" during the cutscene
with Tazok. It would be better if they walked away.
- Add BRAC10.ITM to Container 1 in AR1901.ARE.
- Change DestroySelf() actions in TEVEN.BCS and RAIKEN.BCS to EscapeArea().
- Remove ChangeAIScript("bandct",OVERRIDE) from BANCUT02.BCS.
- Create actions in the following order in TAZOK.BCS StartCutSceneMode()
- Write new TAZOKCUT.BCS IF True()
RESPONSE #100 CutSceneId("Tazok")
RESPONSE #100 CutSceneId([PC]) SetGlobal("TazokLeaves","GLOBAL",1)
Wait(5) EndCutSceneMode() END.
- Add action in [Response 10] EndCutSceneMode().
- Delete actions in [Response 17] and
add StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("Tazokcut").
05.11.04 VICONIA.BCS
- Viconia, AR2400 - contains
a strange effect where when she sees her
Flaming Fist pursuer's corpse she is stuck
in a combat stance. This could cause her
to AutoPause the game every round despite
him clearly being no threat.
- Add trigger to 1st, 2nd and 4th
blocks !Dead("FlamingFist2").
- Entirely remove 3rd block.
22.11.04 AR3333.BCS*,
- Firebead, AR3333 - will
appear in Beregost even if he was killed
in Candlekeep. One solution is to attach
an area script that removes him if
he was killed previously. With thanks to Frank
Horrigan for spotting this one!
He also has 3 stars in Small Swords which breaks the rules
for his possible classes.
- Add Death variable "Fireb1" to
- Change Small sword proficiency
to 2.
- Add Death variable "Firebead" to
- Change Small sword proficiency
to 2.
- Create new BCS with text: IF Dead("Fireb1")
THEN RESPONSE #100 ActionOverride("Firebead",DestroySelf())
45 files
Dialogue Errors (mostly)
05.11.04 AR1400.BCS,
- Ajantis, AR1400 - Sometimes,
if you call him a tin-head and send him away
and later return to the map he is still
where you left him.
- Add action in [Response 8] and
[Response 18] SetGlobal("AjantisGone","GLOBAL",1).
- Remove reference to [Action 0] in
- Add new block at top of script IF
Exists("Ajantis") THEN
RESPONSE #100 ActionOverride("Ajantis",DestroySelf())
Continue() END.
15.11.04 ALATOS.DLG
Alatos, AR0153 - contains an
incorrect trigger that would allow Alatos to
praise the player even though Oberon has been
- Change trigger in [State 13] from !Dead("Oberon")
to !Dead("Oberan").
05.11.04 ALORA.DLG, AR0130.BCS
- Alora, AR0130 - Sometimes,
if you refuse to help her steal from the Hall
of Wonders she leaves and
if you later return to the map she is still
at the doorway.
- Add actions in [Response 6], [Response
11], [Response 16], [Response 19],
[Response 20] SetGlobal("AloraGone","GLOBAL",1)
- Delete all Response triggers and remove
references to triggers in Responses 19-22.
- Add facing parameters 0 to CreateCreature
commands in [Action 5] and [Action
- Add new block at top of script IF Global("AloraGone","GLOBAL",1)
Exists("Alora") THEN RESPONSE #100 ActionOverride("Alora",DestroySelf())
Continue() END.
12.11.04 AMNISE.DLG
- Amnish Soldier, theft traps in AR4800,
etc. - contains an incorrect trigger.
- Change trigger in [State 3] to StateCheck(Myself,STATE_CHARMED).
09.02.05 ARDROU.DLG, DIALOG.TLK string 15518
- Ardrouine, AR3600 - issues
a blank dialogue line if you speak to her after
collecting the reward for rescuing her son. Thanks
to Sascha for spotting this one.
- Add to [Action 0] MoveToPointNoInterrupt([1148.3006])
MoveToPointNoInterrupt([933.2626]) DestroySelf().
- Change [Trigger 3] to True().
05.11.04 BANDIC.DLG
- Deke, AR2800 - contains
an incorrect trigger. By Zelig.
- Change [State trigger 0]
from NumDeadGT("Bandcap"4)
to NumDeadGT("Bandcap",4).
19.01.05 BELLAM.BCS*,

- Bellamy, AR0119 - approaches
the group to say "Good day to ya" and
then does nothing, which kind of seems
a pointless action for a conscientious
NPC. It would be better if he does not approach
the group unless they fail his reputation
- Create a file called BELLAM.BCS from
INITDLG.BCS and add trigger ReputationLT([PC],15).
- Change Class script in CRE from INITDLG.BCS
- Change alignment to Neutral Good.
- Edit string 15255 to add "Well hello there
travelers! It's a pleasure to see such upstanding
folk in these difficult
times. I'm afraid I can't dally about, business
awaits!" before the existing sentence.
- Add action in [State trigger 1] EscapeArea().
15.11.04 BJAHEI.DLG
Jaheira's banter, AR2300 - contains incorrect
- Change occurences of Kahlid with Khalid in
[State triggers 2 and 5].
05.11.04 BRANDI.DLG
- Aldeth and Brandilar, AR0128 -
produce an odd situation where if you speak
to Brandilar first once inside the League,
tell him you are not really related to Aldeth,
and agree to help him, then when you speak
to Brandilar again he will question again
about being related to Aldeth and you will
have to provide the same answers. With the
solution below if you lie to Brandilar he
will be civil but offer nothing more,
if you tell the truth
the fix should make him ask how your investigation
is going.
- Change [State trigger 1] to Global("HelpBrandilar","GLOBAL",1).
Change Trigger index in [State
14] to -1. Change Trigger index in
[State 7] to 1.
15.11.04 AR0600.BCS,
- Varci Roaringhorn, AR0617 -
will leave Tremain's house for good and therefore
fail to give the quest reward if you speak
to him while inside up to 10 days *before* Casson
has been led out of the room by Tremain. Talking
to Varci causes him to leave saying his guardian
is in the Lady's Hall (which he clearly isn't).
Also Varci has a SELECT_COMMON sound that is
nonsensical if you have already saved Casson. Additionally
the 10 day time limit is not properly implemented
(possibly deliberately) but including it
adds some more options.
- Duplicate VARCI.CRE and rename to VARCI2.CRE.
Change Sound: SELECT_COMMON to
StringRef 11107.
- Change action in AR0617.BCS to CreateCreature("VARCI2",[448.375],0).
- Add trigger in [State 6] of VARCI.DLG
- Edit string 12627 to read "There
is yet time to help me, if you so choose."
- Add NEW State trigger to bottom of list
Change Trigger index in [State 9]
to 3. Remove Action and Trigger flags
and change Action
and Trigger indices to -1.
- Add NEW State trigger to bottom of list
Change Trigger index in [State 10] to 4.
Remove Trigger flag and change Trigger
index to
-1. Add SetGlobal("HelpTremain","GLOBAL",3)
ReputationInc(1) to Action 2. Change
Action index to 2 in [Response 20].
- Copy content of Action 12 to Action 1 and
change Action index of [Response
12] to 1.
- Copy content of Action 21 to Action 3 and
change Action index of [Response
21] to 3.
- Delete all Response triggers. Remove all
Trigger flags from Responses and
change all Trigger indices to -1. Delete
Actions 4-21.
Remove Action flags and change
Action indicies to -1 in all Responses except
[R0], [R12],
[R20] and [R21].
- Add to AR0600.BCS IF GlobalTimerExpired("Varci","GLOBAL")
Exists("Varci") THEN RESPONSE #100
- Copy content of Action 15 to Action 0 and
change Action index of [Response
16] to 0.
- Copy content of Action 18 to Action 1 and
change Action index of [Response
19] to 1.
- Copy content of Action 19 to Action 2 and
change Action index of [Response
20] to 2.
- Add SetGlobal("HelpTremain","GLOBAL",2)
and ActionOverride("Varci",Dialogue([PC]))
to [Action 3]. Add Action flag and
change Action index to 3 in [Response
- Add NEW State trigger to bottom of list
with GlobalTimerExpired("Varci","GLOBAL")
Change Trigger index in [State 10]
to 4.
- Add SetGlobal("TremainMove","GLOBAL",5)
and ActionOverride("Varci",Dialogue([PC]))
to [Action 4]. Change Action index
to 4 in [Response 18].
- Add trigger !GlobalTimerExpired("Varci","GLOBAL")
to [State 9].
- Add trigger !GlobalTimerExpired("Varci","GLOBAL")
to [State 11].
- Delete all Response triggers. Remove all
Trigger flags from Responses and
change all Trigger indices to -1. Delete
Actions 5-23.
Remove Action flags and change
Action indicies to -1 in all Responses except
[R15], [R16],
[R18], [R19] and [R20].
- Increase weight of State trigger to 1,
shifting original 1, 2 and 3 to
2, 3 and 4 position.
05.11.04 CATTAC.DLG
- Cattack, AR3400 - contains
two incorrect actions.
- Change actions in [State 1] and [State
2] from Attack(NearestEnemyOf(Myself)
to Attack(NearestEnemyOf(Myself)).
05.11.04 CORAN.DLG
- Coran, AR2200 - asks the
PC whether he will reconsider his proposal
when the NPC Reaction was 1-7 and the PC
was never told of a proposal in the first
place. Coran should only ask you to reconsider
once your Reaction reaches 8-20. In all other
cases his response to a low Reaction should
always be dismissive.
- Change trigger in [State 0] and
[State 1] from NumTimesTalkedTo(0)
to Global("DXCoran","GLOBAL",0).
- Remove trigger in [State 2] NumTimesTalkedTo(0).
- Add action in [Response 6] and
[Response 5] SetGlobal("DXCoran","GLOBAL",1).
- Change trigger in [State 7] from
True() to Global("DXCoran","GLOBAL",1)
and ReactionGT(LastTalkedToBy(Myself),HOSTILE_UPPER).
- Add trigger in [State 13] True().
15.11.04 CULT3.DLG
- Cult Enforcer, AR1000 - contains incorrect
references and is missing facing values.
- In [Actions 0 and 1] add facing values
in order: 12, 8, 8, 0, 7, 12 , 13.
- In [Actions 0 and 1] change Cult Wizard
to CultWizard and Cult Archer to CultArcher.
15.11.04 AR0706.BCS*,
- Areana and Cyrdemac, AR0121 and AR0706 -
Areana states that she will pay your blackmail
every tenday but does so every twoday. I have chosen to alter the
dialogue to match her current actions as many people could complete
the remainder of the game before the first set of 10 days has passed.
Cyrdemac can be
charmed and will suggest rather intelligently that you can say he
is dead
Unfortunately there is no trigger for Areana
to be conned (not necessarily an error). The fix
is also
an opportunity to consolidate the Globals in
both DLG files.
- Create a BCS (AR0706.BCS).
- Write AR0706.BCS: IF Dead("Cyrdemac")
THEN RESPONSE #100 SetGlobal("CyrdemacMoves","GLOBAL",2)
- Add action in [Response 21] of CYDERM.DLG
Wait(10) Escape().
- Remove action in [State 0] of NOBW8.DLG
- Change trigger in [Response 11] and [Response
12] from Dead("Cyrdemac")
to Global("CyrdemacMoves","GLOBAL",2).
- Edit string 8435 from "I
shall be here at the start of every tenday." to "I
shall be here promptly every two days."
17.12.04 CYTHAN.DLG
- Cythandria, AR0615 - is
missing a command to destroy Ughh when she
- Change 2nd action in [Response
11] from ActionOverride("ARGHH",DestroySelf())
to ActionOverride("UGHH",DestroySelf()).
05.11.04 DELORN.DLG, DIALOG.TLK string 7093
- Delorna, AR0145 - contains an
incorrect trigger which prevents her from
being charmed.
- Change trigger in [State 6] from StateCheck(Myself,STATE_DHARMED)
to StateCheck(Myself,STATE_CHARMED).
- Edit string 7093 to: "...Take
my component, if you wish; it is
in the desk."
05.11.04 DELTHY.DLG, DIALOG.TLK string 1751
- Delthyr, AR0800 - the
dialogue tree provides a nonsense reply "Of
course we do" for the PC to Delthyr's
statement "I can tell you everything
you need know." It should probably be
something like "That would be most welcome." This
second error spotted by Zelig: file contains
three incorrect actions.
- Edit string 1751 from "Of
course we do." to "That would
be most welcome."
- Change trigger in [Response 29]
from Global("AskedDelthyr1","GLOABL",0)
to Global("AskedDelthyr1","GLOBAL",0).
- Change action in [Response 29]
from SetGlobal("AskedDelthyr1","GLOABL",1)
to SetGlobal("AskedDelthyr1","GLOBAL",1).
- Change trigger in [Response 30]
from Global("AskedDelthyr2","GLOABL",0)
to Global("AskedDelthyr2","GLOBAL",0).
- Change action in [Response 30]
from SetGlobal("AskedDelthyr2","GLOABL",1)
to SetGlobal("AskedDelthyr2","GLOBAL",1).
- Change trigger in [Response 31]
from Global("AskedDelthyr3","GLOABL",0)
to Global("AskedDelthyr3","GLOBAL",0).
- Change action in [Response 31]
from Global("AskedDelthyr3","GLOABL",1)
to SetGlobal("AskedDelthyr3","GLOBAL",1).
05.11.04 DOOMSAY.DLG
- Doomsayer, AR4100 - contains
an incorrect action.
- Change action in [State 4] from
to SetGlobal("doomsayer","GLOBAL",0).
06.11.04 DRUNK.DLG,
SPELL.IDS, SPPR981.SPL*, DIALOG.TLK string 1251*
- Drunk, AR3400 - contains
an incorrect action which prevents
him from collapsing into a drunken stupor.
- Change [Action 1] from
Sleep() to ReallyForceSpell(Myself,DRUNK_SLEEP).
- Copy SPPR102.SPL but Casting sound
should be None, Casting animation
type should be Schoolless, Target type should
be Caster (7), Range should
be 1, Casting
speed should be 0. Remove all
Effects except Sleep.
- Effect Targettype should be TargetSelf,
Power 9, No dispel/Bypass resistance,
Time 120, Savetype No save.
- Create new string 1251 "Passes
- Change Spell name to string 1251.
- Add line 1981 DRUNK_SLEEP to SPELL.IDS
15.11.04 DYNAHE.DLG
- Dynaheir, AR5100 - fails
to provide the rescue reward if you do
not welcome her to the party immediately despite
conversation options being polite
and allowing her to join after some talking.
she mistakenly rewards the player
twice if
Edwin is in the party, once on rescue
and secondly on joining the party. It is quite
possible to continue with Edwin's
murderous plans (which doesn't count as rescue)
therefore making the first reward invalid.
There is also an incorrect action.
- Remove action in [Action 0]
- Add action in [Action 9]
- Remove action in [Action 10]
- Change [Action 32] to LeaveParty() SetDialog("Dynahp").
05.11.04 EDWINJ.DLG
- Edwin, AR5100 - fails
to deliver on his payment for Dynaheir's
murder as the script calls on an unknown
- Change action in [Action 2] from
GiveGoldCreate(500) to GiveGoldForce(500).
- Eldoth, AR1600 - asks
the PC whether he will reconsider his
proposal when the NPC Reaction was 1-7 and the
was never told of a proposal in the
first place. Eldoth should always offer a drink
(he's not as discerning as Coran!).
second error spotted by Zelig: file
contains an incorrect action.
- Remove trigger in [State 1] ReactionGT(LastTalkedToBy(Myself),HOSTILE_UPPER)
- Remove triggers in [State 2] NumTimesTalkedTo(0)
and ReactionLT(LastTalkedToBy(Myself),NEUTRAL_LOWER).
- In ELDOTP.DLG change [Action 1]
from ActionOverride(Skie",ChangeAIScript("",DEFAULT))
to ActionOverride("Skie",ChangeAIScript("",DEFAULT)).
05.11.04 EMERSO.DLG
- Emerson, AR5400 - contains
an incorrect action.
- Change [Action 2] from Global("EmersonPermission","GLOBAL",1)
to SetGlobal("EmersonPermission","GLOBAL",1).
05.11.04 FARMBE.DLG
- Farmer, AR3300, AR4800, AR4900 -
when the farmer (mistakenly titled
Lahl) tells you about something moving behind his
house the Journal updates with a different
entry. Likewise when he reports his
workers ran off the Journal displays
the wrong entry.
- Change Journal entry StringRef in
[Response 1] from 6602 to
- Change Journal entry StringRef in
[Response 2] from 6603 to 6605.
15.11.04 FELONI.DLG
- Felonius Gist, AR0719 -
has an introductory dialogue that can
be repeated ad infinitum somewhat illogically.
- Change trigger in [State 0] from
True() to NumTimesTalkedTo(0).
05.11.04 FRIEND.DLG
- Guard, AR2300 - contains
an incorrect trigger.
- Change trigger in [T6] from CheckState(Myself,STATE_CHARMED)
to StateCheck(Myself,STATE_CHARMED).
- Trigger 1 should become Trigger 0
and vice versa. This can be
easily done in the DLTCEP utility.
15.11.04 FTOBE5.DLG,
DIALOG.TLK string 1250*
- Commoner, AR3327 - when
charmed the commoner fails to give
the ring she says she is giving you. No specific
is mentioned in the original dialogue
so I suggest a Gold Ring which would seem in
keeping with her spellbound love. The
dialogue fix should only allow her to offer the
- Add trigger in [State 3] StateCheck(Myself,STATE_NORMAL).
- Add trigger in [State 4] Global("DXFtobe5","GLOBAL",0).
- Add actions in [State 4] GiveItemCreate("RING10",LastTalkedToBy())
and SetGlobal("DXFtobe5","GLOBAL",1).
- Add trigger in [State 6] StateCheck(Myself,STATE_NORMAL).
- Edit [State trigger 5] to read StateCheck(Myself,STATE_CHARMED)
- Create new string 1250 "Is there
anything else I can do to please
- Change Response in [State 5] to StringRef
- Re-order State triggers as follows:
Charmed (Global 0) then (Global
1), NumTimesTalked To (0) as original sequence,
Normal (Num1) then (Num2);
this is
order 4, 5, 0, 1, 2, 3, 6.
- Fuller, AR2618 and Hull, AR2600 -
contains a missing response due to an incomplete
trigger. Hull also needs to have an action
set to allow this trigger.
- In FULLER.DLG change trigger in
[Response 0] from PartyHasItem("")
to Global("HelpHull","GLOBAL",1)
- In HULL.DLG add action in [Response
0] SetGlobal("HelpHull","GLOBAL",1).
- Change actions in [Response 1]
and [Response 3] to SetGlobal("HelpHull","GLOBAL",2).
- Change trigger in [State 2] to
- Increase weight of [State trigger
5] to position 3 moving subsequent
triggers down by one position.
This can be done easily in the DLTCEP
05.11.04 AR3300.BCS, GARRIC.DLG
- Garrick, AR3300 - contains
an incorrect action. Sometimes, if you
refuse to let him join the party after
defeating Silke
he enters the Red Sheaf Inn, however if
you later return to the map he is still
in the doorway blocking the entrance.
- Change [Actions
1, 2, 5 and 7] to SetGlobal("GarrickGone","GLOBAL",1)
- Change [Action 8] from
to SetDialog("Garrip").
- Add new block at top of script IF
Exists("Garrick") THEN RESPONSE #100
Continue() END.
strings 1254*, 1255*
- Ludrug, AR5200 - contains
a conflict between his BCS and DLG
file that prevents or makes it almost impossible
the player to have a chance of defeating
but not killing Ludrug in the challenge
fight (as he could be easily killed before
he submitted).
I have also lowered the threshhold
at which
Ludrug considers the player to have
lost in case the strongest player is killed
outright before he/she is reduced below
5 HPs.
Also, Ludrug has no identifying name tag or colours.
- Change triggers in BCS from HPLT(Myself,5)
to HPLT(Myself,20) and from
HPLT(StrongestOf,5) to HPLT(StrongestOf,10).
- Remove actions SetGlobal("GnollFightOver","GLOBAL",2)
EscapeArea() from 2nd block in
- Change trigger in [State 4] from
HPLT(StrongestOf,5) to HPLT(StrongestOf,10).
- Add action to end of [Action 4] EscapeArea().
- Create new strings 1254 and 1255 "Ludrug".
- Change Name and Apparent name in
CRE to strings 1254 and 1255.
- Change colours to 28, 66, 47, 2,
23, 28, 5.
- Gorion, AR2600 - just
before you leave Candlekeep he will attempt to
heal your wounds even if you're not wounded.
- Remove Journal Entry from [Response 0].
- Add new Response (Response 5) to [State
0] identical to [Response 0] except with
- Add trigger HPPercent(Player1,100) to
[Response 0].
- Change action in [Response 5] from StartCutScene("ch1cut01")
to StartCutScene("ch1cutz1").
- Repeat steps 2-4 for [States 7, 8, 9].
- Remove ActionOverride("GORION",ForceSpell(Player1,CLERIC_CURE_LIGHT_WOUNDS))
from BCS.
- Remove action
05.11.04 GORPEL.DLG
- Gorpel Hind, AR0116 -
contains an incorrect trigger.
- Change trigger in [State 0] from
NumTimesTalkedTo() to NumTimesTalkedTo(0).
05.11.04 HALFFG.DLG
- Halfling Woman, AR4000 - is missing triggers for
two conversation options once the Firewine Ruins Ogre Mage is dead.
Note that there are two women with this file so only the first is
- Add triggers in [State 9] Dead("DICK"), ReactionGT(LastTalkedToBy,NEUTRAL_UPPER)
and Global("DXHalffg","GLOBAL",0).
- Add action in [Response 16] SetGlobal("DXHalffg","GLOBAL",1).
- Add triggers in [State 10] Dead("DICK"), ReactionLT(LastTalkedToBy,FRIENDLY_LOWER)
and Global("DXHalffg","GLOBAL",0).
- Add action in [Response 17] SetGlobal("DXHalffg","GLOBAL",1).
05.11.04 HALFG3.DLG
- Halfling Man, AR4008 -
has incorrectly prioritised dialogue
so that he greets you with "Again we meet..." rather
than his opening speech even though you
have never met him.
- Change the trigger value in [State
0] from 4 to 1, this can be done
easily in the Item
- Ensure the StateCheck trigger is
value 0.
15.11.04 HALFG4.DLG,
DIALOG.TLK string 1252*
- Halfling Man, AR4007 -
is missing triggers for two conversation
options (not necessarily an error). When
charmed the halfling fails to give the Potion
of Invulnerability he says he is giving you.
The dialogue fix should only allow him to
offer the gift once.
- Add trigger in [State 8] Global("DXHalfg4b","GLOBAL",0).
- Change 1st action in [State 8]
from GiveItem("POTN40",LastTalkedToBy)
to GiveItemCreate("POTN40",LastTalkedToBy())
and add action SetGlobal("DXHalfg4b","GLOBAL",1).
- Rewrite [State trigger 4] to read
- Create new string 1252 "Please
stay, I'd love to hear about your
- Change Response StringRef in [State
9] to 1252.
- Add action in [Response 7] SetGlobal("DXHalfg4a","GLOBAL",1).
- Add trigger in [State 6] Global("DXHalfg4a","GLOBAL",0).
Ensure it has no action flag.
- Add trigger in [State 7] Global("DXHalfg4a","GLOBAL",1).
- Reorder State triggers to Charm
(Global 0), Charm, Num(0), Global
4a(0), Global 4a(1) or 3, 4, 0, 1,
2. This
can be done easily in the DLTCEP
05.11.04 HALFG5.DLG
- Halfling Man, AR4010 - is missing triggers for
two conversation options once the Firewine Ruins Ogre Mage is dead.
- Add triggers in [State 7] Dead("DICK") ReactionGT(LastTalkedToBy,HOSTILE_UPPER).
- Add triggers in [State 8] Dead("DICK") ReactionLT(LastTalkedToBy,NEUTRAL_LOWER).
- Ensure there are no Actions and no Responses referring to
- Reorder State triggers so that Charmed moves to 0, others
shifting down one position (use DLTCEP).
05.11.04 HALFG6.DLG,
(DIALOG.TLK string 1252*
- Halfling Man, AR4011 -
is missing triggers for two conversation
options (not necessarily an error). When
charmed the halfling fails to give the Sling
he says he is giving you. The dialogue fix
should only allow him to offer the gift once.
- Add trigger in [State 9] Global("DXHalfg6b","GLOBAL",0).
- Add action in [Response 14] GiveItemCreate("SLNG02",LastTalkedToBy(),1,0,0)
and SetGlobal("DXHalfg6b","GLOBAL",1).
- Add trigger in [State 7] ReactionGT(LastTalkedToBy,NEUTRAL_UPPER).
- Add trigger in [State 8] ReactionLT(LastTalkedToBy,FRIENDLY_LOWER).
- Rewrite [State trigger 4] to read
- Change Response StringRef in [State
10] to 1252.
- Reorder State triggers to Charm
(Global 0), Charm, Num(0), ReactionGT,
or 3, 4, 0, 1, 2. This can be
done easily in the DLTCEP utility.
55 files (100 total)
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