
BG1 Mods

What might you find on this page?

  • Borderline Bugs: while there are a lot of definite bugs in BG1, there are also some borderline bugs that maybe require some extrapolation to arrive at a fix. I have therefore grouped them here as mods owing to the small amount of Dudleyville-created content they require to work.
  • Re-enabled Options: there are some extra features (such as more dialogue options) within the game that are disabled through coding errors or maybe just not finished before the retail release date.
  • Complete Spell Overhaul: the spells are littered with errors, inconsistencies, missing levels, etc. I originally had these listed as "fixes" but there is so much tinkering and interpretation involved it is more appropriate they are moved here as a mod.
  • Improvements: tougher bosses, Khalid as a Fighter/Mage (cos he's a yellow streak of a fighter), pure mods.

To download the completed mods go to the Completed Tweaks page.

You might also be interested in:

  1. DudleyFix's BG1 Fixes

Fixed version 3.0 mods

Item mods

24.11.04 Fixed AROW06.ITM

  1. Arrow of Detonation - increased range to 100 to match all other arrows.

05.12.04 Fixed AROW08.ITM, AROWKC.ITM, ARROPHE2.ITM, DIALOG.TLK string 17540 Dialog Error

  1. Arrow of Fire, Arrows of Fire used by Kobold Commandos, Arrows used by Phoenix Guard - removed bonus 2 damage. This arrow is overpowered for its cost and availability. THAC0 bonus is missing from description.

Script mods

15.11.04 Fixed ABELA.DLG

  1. Abela, AR0137 - has poorly prioritised dialogue so that she rewards you even after you give her to Ramazith. If properly prioritised you will receive no reward if you are apologetic, or you will lose 5 Reputation points if you try to cash in on Ramazith's plans instead. Ramazith must be dead for the non-reward options to become available. The only time to get the full reward is at Ragefast's house.
    1. Change the trigger value in [State 11] from 2 to 0, this can be done easily in the DLTCEP utility.
    2. Add trigger to [State trigger 2] GlobalLT("HelpRamazith","GLOBAL",2).
    3. Add action to [Action 3] after Reputation penalty: ForceSpell(Myself,DRYAD_TELEPORT).

05.11.04 Fixed AR1100.BCS (includes Dabron Sashenstar, AR0700 fix), AR0128.BCS, FFHUNT.BCS, ALDETH.DLG, BRANDI.CRE, FLAMAL.DLG

  1. Aldeth betrayal, AR0128 - cannot occur as the door to the Merchant League is warded (previously opened by Aldeth in Chapter 5 but now closed again). Brandilar is not in the building during the betrayal (as he has no conversation options for the event. Also the waiting guards appear too soon in the context of the conversation.
    1. Add IF Global("Chapter","GLOBAL",7) Global("HelpAldeth","GLOBAL",2) THEN RESPONSE #100 SetGlobal("HelpAldeth","GLOBAL",3) OpenDoor("DOOR0127") END to AR1100BCS file.
    2. In ALDETH.DLG remove actions to summon 'FFHUNT.CRE guards' from [Response 33] and instead add a duplicate set of these actions to [Responses 34, 35 and 36].
    3. Add new [Action 10] Shout(1) Enemy().
    4. Add Action(2) flag and Action Index 10 to [Response 37].
    5. In AR0128.BCS add IF GlobalGT("Chapter","GLOBAL",5) Exists("Brandi") THEN RESPONSE #100 ActionOverride("Brandi",DestroySelf()) END.
    6. Change CRE Script name to Brandi.
    7. In FLAMAL.DLG add StateCheck(Myself,STATE_CHARMED) to [State Trigger 0].
    8. Add new [Action 0] with StartCutSceneMode() SetGlobal("Captured","GLOBAL",1) StartCutScene("Capcut01").
    9. Add Action(2) flag and Action Index 0 to [Response 1].
    10. In FFHUNT.BCS add IF Heard("ALDETH",1) THEN RESPONSE #100 Enemy() END.

05.11.04 Fixed AMNIS4.DLG, DIALOG.TLK string 1214* Dialog Error

  1. Amnish Soldier, AR5401 and AR5402 - is missing a trigger to make use of his dialogue when charmed (not necessarily an error).
    1. Add triggers in [State 1] StateCheck(Myself,STATE_CHARMED) and GlobalLT("Chapter","GLOBAL",3).
    2. Change Response in [State 2] from StringRef 8910 to 1214.
    3. Add StateCheck(Myself,STATE_CHARMED) GlobalGT("Chapter","GLOBAL",2) to [State trigger 2].
    4. Create new string 1214 to read: "Now that those kobolds have gone I might take up something a little less stressful like gardening. Don't tell the lads."
    5. Change Trigger index in [State 0] to -1.


  1. Brathlen and Be'land, AR0130 - Brathlen should summon three additional guards to the Hall when you reveal that the wards are not working. However the trigger for this is Brathlen himself revealing the wards don't work when he is charmed. The script does not allow him to continue with his uncharmed conversation immediately afterwards as he would turn hostile. It would make more sense if Be'land was the one you charmed for the clue in this respect. I have also corrected Be'land's dialogue so if the PC refuses to pay and has a poor reaction from Be'land then he will back up his words with actions if not obeyed. Additionally, Brathlen should not be able to cast Entangle as a cleric in the Spell fixes.
    1. Change string in [State 13] of BRATHL.DLG to 6250. Remove Action flag and Journal Entry flag and change Action index to -1. Set Journal entry to -1.
    2. Delete [Action 7].
    3. Change Script name to Brathlen.
    4. Change Override script to new BRATHL.BCS (copied from SHOUT.BCS). Add to top of BCS IF Dead("Brathlen") Global("KilledFlam6","GLOBAL",0) THEN RESPONSE #100 SetGlobal("KilledFlam6","GLOBAL",1) END IF Allegiance(Myself,ENEMY) Allegiance("Beland",NEUTRAL) THEN RESPONSE #100 ActionOverride("Beland",Enemy()) Continue() END.
    5. Change Class script to None.
    6. Remove Entangle from Known and Memorized spells (add Hold); Level first class increased to 4 to allow legal use of Hold Person (x2).
  3. BELAND.DLG (must be done in following order)
    1. Change StringRef in [State 10] from 6250 to 6256.
    2. Add Journal entry flag, Journal entry StringRef 7004, Action flag and change Action index to 7 in [Response 18].
    3. Edit string 7004 to change "Brathlen" to "Be'land".
    4. Add NEW [Action 7] to end of list. Edit action to read SetGlobal("WardsClue","GLOBAL",1).
    5. Change Next dialog state in [Response 7] to 6.
    6. Add triggers in [State trigger 3], [State trigger 4] and [State trigger 5] NumTimesTalkedTo(0).
    7. Change Trigger index in [State 11] to 2. Add trigger to [State trigger 2] True().
    8. Change [Action 4] to SetGlobal("BelandAngry","GLOBAL",1). Add Action flag and change Action index to 4 in [Response 11]. Change Action index to 4 in [Response 12].
    9. Change Trigger index in [State 12] to -1. Add Action flag and change Action index to 3 in [Response 20]. Add actions to [Action 3] Wait(5) Shout(99) Enemy().
    10. Remove Action flag and change Action index in [Response 13] to -1. Change [Action 6 to SetGlobal("BelandAngry","GLOBAL",2). Append to DIALOG.TLK string 2522 "I suggest you leave."
    11. Using DLTCEP, create new [State 13] with new string 1249 "I hope you've changed your mind about paying the entrance fee? I won't give you another chance to leave with your dignity intact." Add three responses (21-23). Set Trigger index to 1. Add trigger to [State trigger 1] Global("BelandAngry","GLOBAL",1). [Responses 21-23] should all have Text associated (in order 2530, 2531, 2532) and Action flags. Trigger indices are all -1, Action indices are (6, 6, 8), Next dialog states are all BELAND.DLG (12, 12, 7).
    12. Add new [Action 8] SetGlobal("BelandAngry","GLOBAL",2) TakePartyGold(1).
    13. Reorder State triggers in ascending order: Charmed, BelandAngry, NumTimesTalkedTo(0) (Poor, Average, Good variations), True(). This can be easily done using the DLTCEP utility.
    1. Create new BELAND.BCS (copied from SHOUT.BCS). Add to top of BCS IF Dead("Beland") Global("KilledFlam6","GLOBAL",0) THEN RESPONSE #100 SetGlobal("KilledFlam6","GLOBAL",1) END. At bottom of BCS write IF Global("BelandAngry","GLOBAL",1) See([PC]) THEN RESPONSE #100 Wait(6) Dialogue([GOODCUTOFF]) END. Add IF Allegiance(Myself,NEUTRAL) See([PC]) NumTimesTalkedTo(0) THEN RESPONSE #100 Dialogue(PC]) END.
    2. Change Script name to Beland.
    3. Change Override script to BELAND.BCS. Change Class script to None.
    1. Change Script name to Flam6. Change Class script to None. Change Override script to FLAM6.BCS.
    2. Completely rewrite FLAM6.BCS (copied from SHOUT.BCS). Add to top of BCS IF Dead("Flam6") Global("KilledFlam6","GLOBAL",0) THEN RESPONSE #100 SetGlobal("KilledFlam6","GLOBAL",1) END IF Allegiance(Myself,ENEMY) Allegiance("Beland",NEUTRAL) THEN RESPONSE #100 ActionOverride("Beland",Enemy()) Continue() END.
    3. Create new FLAM6A.CRE based on FLAMEN.CRE. Change Script name to Flam6. Change Override script to FLAM6.BCS and Class script to GUARDS.BCS.
    4. Create new FLAM6B.CRE based on FLAMEN2.CRE. Change Script name to Flam6. Change Override script to FLAM6.BCS and Class script to GUARDS.BCS.
    5. Create new ACTFLAM6.BCS based on ACT03.BCS. Change CreateCreature refs to FLAM6A and FLAM6B (twice).

09.01.05 Fixed Centeol, AR2101

  1. Improves her offensive ability (which was absent) so that in addition to summoning her spiders she will use other spells relevant to her arachnid abilities. Without this tweak she would sit and wait for the player to kill her, now she has some means of attack. You won't call her fatty again. Please let me know if this mod has made her too powerful for a mid-level party.

05.11.04 Fixed AR1803.BCS

  1. Davaeorn, AR1803 - could have a small pause after his death so that you can witness his demise before the Chapter 5 introduction begins (not necessarily an error).
    1. Add action in 1st block in BCS Wait(5). Not sure if this is the best solution.

05.11.04 Fixed DUMKIE.BCS, DIALOG.TLK strings 1215 and 1216 Dialog Error

  1. Door puzzle, AR0512 - a situation can arise where certain doors will lock if you leave the level and return. This can prevent you from reaching the third level of the labyrinth even if you have the Exit Wardstone.

    Jonathan Ellis suggests a stronger fix than my one below:

    "You make all the doors set to "open" once you have the Level 2 Exit Wardstone (so that characters can leave the dungeon, either the way they came or through Islanne teleporting them to the top, and come back in again).

    "This, unfortunately, does not go far enough: what happens if the characters have opened *some* but not all of the doors, have not yet got the level 2 exit wardstone, and want to leave the dungeon (e.g. to sell off loot) and return later?

    "Some of the doors are keyed to open when you first pick up the Fuernebol, Kiel and Islanne wardstones. The obvious thing to do is, always check to see if they are open, if the party is *carrying* the relevant wardstone(s) or approaches the door carrying the correct wardstone. This is particularly vital for the doorway through from the entrance chamber to the great hall where you find Kiel's Helmet, and for the side doors out of that hall.

    "(Of course, if the party leaves the relevant wardstone in the area behind the wrong door, so that it closes behind them when they go out and they can't get back in, because they need the wardstone that's stuck behind the door they can't get through again, then it's their own fault for blocking themselves out...)

    "Carrying the Level 2 wardstone, of course, should make *all* the "puzzle" doors open, for convenience. (There are eleven of them, some of which open with wardstones, some of which open by hitting the armour stands, and some of which can only be opened from the control room.)"

    1. Add trigger and action IF HitBy([ANYONE],Crushing) Global("KielDoor1","GLOBAL",1) THEN RESPONSE #100 ClearActions(LastAttackerOf(Myself)) SetGlobal("KielDoor","GLOBAL",0) DisplayString(Myself,1216)
    2. Add action to first block DisplayString(Myself,1215)

12.01.05 Fixed Entar Silvershield, AR0102, DIALOG.TLK strings 3052*, 3053*, 7566 Dialog Error

  1. Adds Entar back into the game who was notable by his absence. He cannot be killed (as he is crucial to the plot) and will summon some guards before fleeing if you talk to him (unless Skie is in the group). He will also flee if attacked or if he sees anyone turn hostile towards his staff. If you attack him Skie (and Eldoth) will leave the party for good. He can be pickpocketed.

22.11.04 Fixed FIREB1.DLG, CUTSAR.DLG, CH1CUTZ4.BCS*, SPELL.IDS, (SPWI120.SPL)*, (SPWI121.SPL)*, DIALOG.TLK string 1251* Dialog Error

  1. Firebead Elvenhair, AR2616 - casts a cleric version of Protection From Evil (he is a mage) which is intended to protect the player several hours later into the night. Firebead should cast a unique protection spell to avoid confusion with spells players will use themselves.
    1. Change 5th action in [Action 2] to ForceSpell(Player1,FIREB1_WARD).
    2. Copy SPWI113.SPL to create SPWI120.SPL, remove all Abilities except L1, then remove portrait icon and all Effects except Lighting types. Reduce durations to 1.
    3. Create new string 1934 "Firebead's Contingency".
    4. Change Spell name to string 1934.
    5. In CUTSAR.DLG add 2nd Response to [State 1], identical except with trigger Global("HelpFirebead","GLOBAL",2) and change CutScene to ch1cutz4.
    6. Add trigger !Global("HelpFirebead","GLOBAL",2) to 1st Response and ensure actions include CutScene ch1cut04.
    7. Copy CH1CUT04.BCS to create CH1CUTZ4.BCS.
    8. Add action to start of Player1 ReallyForceSpell(Myself,FIREB1_CONTINGENCY).
    9. Copy SPWI113.SPL to create SPWI121.SPL, change Casting sound to None, remove all Abilities except L1, then change Casting speed to 0, Target type to Caster, Target to Self and durations to 120.
    10. Create new string 1935 "Firebead's Contingency has triggered".
    11. Change Spell name to string 1935.
    12. Add line 2120 FIREB1_WARD to SPELL.IDS.
    13. Add line 2121 FIREB1_CONTINGENCY to SPELL.IDS.

19.01.05 Fixed Hobgoblin, AR4200, DIALOG.TLK strings 5104, 5106, 5109 Dialog Error (see also Hobgoblins, various fix)

  1. Modifies the creature so that he initiates dialogue (which was disabled in the original game) and demands healing. You can give him money or threaten him in which case he will attack or flee.

10.01.05 Fixed Ike, AR1000

  1. Has some Reaction based costing options for his tour that were not implemented.
    1. IKE.DLG

06.12.04 Fixed Khalid as a Fighter/Mage

  1. There is some evidence to suggest Khalid was actually a Fighter/Mage before emerging as Fighter. This tweak restores his magical powers leaving the fighting to the real men.

20.01.05 Fixed Indoor spellcasters *1

  1. Mages with access to area effect spells usually end up loosing a Lightning Bolt at the PC only to kill themselves instantly when it rebounds off the nearest wall. There is no other spell at that level quite as devastating. The following edits give these mages alternative spells. A big thanks to Robert who compiled a detailed list of all the Lightning Bolt users which made the editing task that much easier!
    1. (see below) *1

13.12.04 Fixed Maximum Hit Points on Level Up

  1. Ensures that every character gains the maximum number of hit points when levelling up.

Soon . . . Fixed Missing/new weapons

  1. A two-fold tweak that (1) puts some items back into the game that were either removed, rather hard to come by, or found only as a very lucky pick from random treasure; and (2) adds some new items for your adventuring pleasure. This TweakPack is intended to maintain the game's balance. Where are the weapons you ask? Now that would be telling.
    1. Missing Priest Scrolls:
      1. Animal Summoning II
      2. Champion's Strength
      3. Chaotic Commands
      4. Cure Critical Wounds
      5. Flame Strike
      6. Raise Dead
    2. Missing Mage Scrolls:
      1. Animate Dead
      2. Shadow Door
    3. Missing Weapons:
      1. Bolts of Polymorphing
      2. Long Bow +1
      3. Club +1 (+3 vs. unnatural creatures)
      4. Heavy Crossbow +1
      5. Helmet of Charm Protection
      6. Helmet of Opposite Alignment
      7. Scimitar +1
    4. New Weapons:
      1. Spear +2 (Heartspike)
      2. Studded Leather Armor +3 (Silzak's Stinky Suit)
      3. Two Handed Sword +2 (Penitence)

19.01.05 Fixed PALIN.DLG

  1. Palin, AR1500 - is the only wolfwere who attacks you but doesn't transform into a wolfwere.
    1. Change actions Enemy() to ForceSpell(Myself,WOLFWERE_CHANGE).

09.01.05 Fixed Permanent corpses *2

  1. Makes most dead bodies that were NOT killed by the player a permanent feature of the map as they would normally disappear after a few hours which could mean the player never got to see them. With the edit installed these bodies will become skeletons after a while and remain on the map. This edit incorporates a fix for an error involving the Ogre Mage in AR1802 who greets the player with a question about his collection of dead bodies. However if the player has rested in the dungeon before talking to him the bodies are gone and his speech makes no sense at all. Monsters and NPCS slain in battle will still disappear as normal (this was probably to relieve demand on our computers).
    1. DEAD.CRE, DEAD1.CRE, DEAD2.CRE, DEADFUCK.CRE, HALFMIRI.CRE, AR2800.ARE, AR5402.ARE, AR2700.BCS, AR2800.BCS, AR3800.BCS, AR5402.BCS, AR5403.BCS, DEAD3.CRE* (copy of Dead1), DEAD4-6.CRE* (copies of Dead2), DXSKEL.CRE* (Skeleton)

25.01.05 Fixed SAFANA.CRE, SAFANA4.CRE, SAFANA6.CRE, SPIN119.SPL, DIALOG.TLK string 3065 * Dialog Error

  1. Safana the Flirt and new innate Charm Person spell - Have you ever wondered why Safana, who chats up the men in your party, and is generally a bit of a babe, has Charm Animal as her innate ability? Well now she has "Flirt" instead, which isn't as reliable as magic but when it does work those who fall for her charms will be very forthcoming. Thanks to Necaradan for the inspiration! SPIN119.SPL does not appear to be used, so DudleyMod has assigned it to Safana in place of Charm Animal.
    1. Duration should be 120.
    2. Remove all flags.
    3. Change Save bonus to 4.
    4. Add Effect Use EFF similar to mage Charm Person spell pointing to CHARM.EFF and giving 95% resistance to women and 5% to men. Feel free to disagree with my stats!


05.11.04 Fixed ERDANE.STO

  1. Erdane, AR0500 - improved shop as he would not buy any kind of ammo at all, despite the fact that he sells all kinds of enchanted ammo, and also buys and sell all other kinds of weapon, both enchanted and unenchanted. Now he buys and sells bolts, bullets and arrows too.

05.11.04 Fixed HIGHHEDG.STO

  1. High Hedge, AR3202 - improved shop so that now Thalantyr buys bolts as they were the one kind of weapon he didn't buy, although he sold them.

05.11.04 Fixed STO0703.STO

  1. Sorcerous Sundries, AR0703 - improved shop so that now Halbazzer Drin buys bolts as they were the one kind of weapon he didn't buy, although he sold them.

05.11.04 Fixed STO1112.STO, DIALOG.TLK string 1217* Dialog Error

  1. General Stores, AR0304, AR0803, AR1112, AR1116 - improved shops so that now the merchants buy bolts as they were the one kind of weapon they didn't buy, although they sold them. Also, as the shops share the same STO file you will find that a weapon you sell to one vendor will appear in the inventory of another vendor across the city which always struck me as a little unlikely. To explain this I have changed the shops' names to "Iron Tower Weapons Company" - they have a great delivery network like Amazon.com!
    1. Create new string 1217 "Iron Tower Weapons Company".
    2. Change Name to string 1217.

06.11.04 Fixed STO1115.STO, DIALOG.TLK string 1218* Dialog Error

  1. General Stores, AR1115, AR1117, AR1302, AR1320 - As the shops share the same STO file you will find that a item you sell to one vendor will appear in the inventory of another vendor across the city which always struck me as a little unlikely. To explain this I have changed the shops' names to "Bubbling Bottles Emporium".
    1. Create new string 1218 "Bubbling Bottles Emporium".
    2. Change Name to string 1218.

05.11.04 Fixed STO4803.STO

  1. Nashkel Store, AR4803 - improved shop so that now the storekeep buys bolts, arrows, darts and bullets as they were the kinds of weapon he didn't buy, although he sold them. This makes up for the lack of stores in the southern area buying/selling projectiles. In addition the storekeep buys and sells all kinds of armour, but does not buy shields despite selling a magical shield. He will now buy shields.

05.11.04 Fixed STO4906.STO, DIALOG.TLK string 765* Dialog Error

  1. Merchants, AR0706, AR4907 - has no name but can be called "Curio's Traveling Enterprise" or something similar.
    1. Change Name attribute from No such index to "Curio's Traveling Enterprise".

05.11.04 Fixed STO4909.STO

  1. Ranged Weapons Merchant, AR4909 - improved shop so that now the merchant buys bolts as they were the one kind of weapon he didn't buy, although he sold them.

05.11.04 Fixed STOBLACK.STO, DIALOG.TLK string 1212* Dialog Error

  1. Black Lily's shop, AR0153 - has no name but can be called "Lily's wares" or something similar. "Wares" may be better than "Shop" as she is just standing in the Thieves' Guild and doesn't really have a shop. Improved shop so that now Lily buys bolts as they were the one kind of weapon she didn't buy, although she sold them.
    1. Change Name attribute from No such index to "Lily's wares".

06.11.04 Fixed STOCHEAP.STO

  1. Lucky Aello's, AR0810 - is called General Store but should be called Lucky Aello's Discount Store.
    1. Change Name attribute from General Store to string 11818.

05.11.04 Fixed TAERUM.STO

  1. Thunderhammer Smithy, AR3301 - improved shop so that now Taerom buys bolts as they were the one kind of weapon he didn't buy, although he sold them.

05.11.04 Fixed ULGOTH.STO

  1. Ulgoth's Beard Inn, AR1001 - improved shop as the innkeeper would not buy any kind of ammo at all, despite the fact that he sells all kinds of enchanted ammo, and also buys and sell all other kinds of weapons, both enchanted and unenchanted. Now he buys and sells bolts, bullets and arrows too.

Jonathan Ellis has provided all the fixes for shops that did not buy magic crossbow bolts.

*1 More detail on "Indoor spellcasters" tweak:

Reference files affected

18.07.06 Fixed SPELL.IDS

  1. Add line 2922 WIZARD_CONTINGENCY.

NPCs affected and edits made

  1. Beyn, AR1009 - doesn't use Lightning Bolt but in same room as Andris (whose DLG forces Beyn to use one Potion of Insulation just before combat starts).
  2. Dynaheir - uses as many Potions of Insulation or Absorption as required (as long as she has them in her inventory) when fighting Edwin.
    1. Fixed DYNAHEIR.BCS
  3. Edwin - uses as many Potions of Insulation or Absorption as required (as long as he has them in his inventory) when fighting Dynaheir and Minsc.
    1. Fixed EDWIN.BCS
  4. Eldoth - uses as many Potions of Insulation or Absorption as required (as long as he has them in his inventory) when fighting Shar-Teel.
    1. Fixed ELDOTH.BCS
  5. Islanne, AR0512 - slightly mad spirit probably wouldn't be concerned with self-preservation but I've increased her resistance to 50% as a compromise.
    1. Fixed DOPISL.CRE
  6. Quayle - uses as many Potions of Insulation or Absorption as required (as long as he has them in his inventory) when fighting Tiax.
    1. Fixed QUAYLE.BCS
  7. Xzar - uses as many Potions of Insulation or Absorption as required (as long as he has them in his inventory) when fighting Khalid and Jaheira.
    1. Fixed XZAR.BCS

NPCs affected who use MAGE3.BCS and edits made

MAGE3B.BCS swaps Lightning Bolt for Flame Arrow, and adds Greater Malison (only for higher level opponents).

  1. Angelo, AR0125 - now uses MAGE3B.BCS. Added one Greater Malison and two extra Magic Missiles.
    1. Fixed ANGELO.CRE
  2. Arkion, AR0805 - now uses MAGE3B.BCS. Added three extra Magic Missiles, one Melf's Acid Arrow and one Flame Arrow.
    1. Fixed ARKION.CRE
  3. Brielbara, AR0103 - now uses MAGE3B.BCS. Added two extra Magic Missiles.
    1. Fixed BRIELB.CRE
  4. Helshara, AR0145 - now uses MAGE3B.BCS. Added two extra Magic Missiles. Removed one Melf's Acid Arrow.
    1. Fixed HELSHA.CRE
  5. Ogre Mages, various - now use MAGE3B.BCS.
  6. Ragefast, AR0126 - now uses MAGE3B.BCS. Added two extra Magic Missiles. Removed one Melf's Acid Arrow.
    1. Fixed RAGEFA.CRE
  7. Tranzig, AR3352 - now uses MAGE3B.BCS. Added one Agannazar's Scorcher. Removed one Color Spray, three Magic Missiles, one Mirror Image and two Lightning Bolts.
    1. Fixed TRANZI.CRE

NPCs affected who use MAGE4.BCS and edits made

MAGE4B.BCS swaps Lightning Bolt for Hold Person.

  1. Delorna, AR0145 - now uses MAGE4B.BCS. Added one Flame Arrow.
    1. Fixed DELORN.CRE
  2. Gervisse, AR0162 - now uses MAGE4B.BCS. Added one Agannazar's Scorcher and one Flame Arrow. Removed one Chromatic Orb.
    1. Fixed GERVIS.CRE
  3. Hareishan, AR1804 - now uses MAGE4B.BCS. Added one Agannazar's Scorcher and one Flame Arrow. Removed four Larloch's Minor Drains, one Magic Missile, two Melf's Acid Arrows, one Mirror Image and one Confusion.
    1. Fixed HAREIS.CRE
  4. Lendarn, AR5201 - now uses MAGE4B.BCS. Removed one Magic Missile, five Mirror Images, two Fireballs, two Lightning Bolts, one Hold Person, one Flame Arrow, three Dimension Doors and two Cones of Cold.
    1. Fixed LENDAR.CRE
  5. Nemphre, AR0813 - now uses MAGE4B.BCS. Added one Flame Arrow. Removed one Magic Missile.
    1. Fixed NEMPHR.CRE
  6. Oberon, AR0144 - now uses MAGE4B.BCS. Added one Flame Arrow.
    1. Fixed OBERAN.CRE
  7. Ogre Mage, AR1201 - now uses MAGE4B.BCS. Added one Flame Arrow.
    1. Fixed OGREMA_A.CRE
  8. Prat, AR5506 - now uses MAGE4B.BCS. Uses Flame Arrow instead of Hold Person. Added one Flame Arrow.
    1. Fixed PRAT.CRE
  9. Ramazith, AR0138 - now uses MAGE4B.BCS. Added one Agannazar's Scorcher and one Flame Arrow.
    1. Fixed RAMAZI.CRE
  10. Rieltar, AR2610 - retains original script but has enhanced defence against electricity and Cloak of Electrical Resistance. Increased Level to 7. Removed one Agannazar's Scorcher and two Lightning Bolts
    1. Fixed RIELTA.CRE
  11. Ulraunt, AR2614 - now uses MAGE4B.BCS. Added one Flame Arrow.
    1. Fixed ULRAUN.CRE

NPCs affected who use MAGE5.BCS and edits made

MAGE5B.BCS swaps Lightning Bolt for Flame Arrow.
MAGE5C.BCS adds Chain Contingency and Contingency (which include Protection from Electricity).

  1. Degrodel, AR0161 - now uses MAGE5B.BCS. Added one Mirror Image and four Flame Arrows. Removed two Hastes.
    1. Fixed DEGROD.CRE
  2. Faizah, AR0719 - now uses MAGE5B.BCS. Added three Flame Arrows. Removed two Melf's Acid Arrows and two Hastes.
    1. Fixed FAIZAH.CRE
  3. Halbazzer Drin, AR0703 - now uses MAGE5C.BCS. Added one Lightning Bolt. Removed one Larloch's Minor Drain and one Melf's Acid Arrow.
    1. Fixed HALBAZ.CRE
  4. Liia Jannath, AR0108 - now uses MAGE5B.BCS. Added two Flame Arrows. Removed one Melf's Acid Arrow.
    1. Fixed LIIA.CRE
  5. Marcellus, AR1009 - now uses MAGE5B.BCS. Added one Mirror Image and two Flame Arrows. Removed two Melf's Acid Arrows and two Hastes.
    1. Fixed MARCEL.CRE
  6. Marek, AR0300 and AR0115 - only MAREK2.CRE uses MAGE5B.BCS. MAREK.CRE: Added five Larloch's Minor Drain and one Lightning Bolt. Removed five Magic Missiles, five Melf's Acid Arrows, one Agannazar's Scorcher and one Ghost Armor. MAREK2.CRE: (as above but swaps Lightning Bolts for Flame Arrows).
    1. Fixed MAREK.CRE, MAREK2.CRE
  7. Natasha, AR1802 - now uses MAGE5B.BCS. Added one Flame Arrow and one Confusion. Removed three Magic Missiles, two Chromatic Orbs, two Agannazar's Scorchers and one Improved Invisibility.
    1. Fixed NATASH.CRE
  8. Ogre Mage, AR0226 - now uses MAGE5B.BCS. Added one Flame Arrow.
    1. Fixed OGRMBA.CRE
  9. Oulam, AR0704 - now uses MAGE5B.BCS. Added two Flame Arrows. Removed one Horror, one Melf's Acid Arrow, one Vampiric Touch and one Skull Trap.
    1. Fixed OULAM.CRE
  10. Pargus, AR0116 - now uses MAGE5B.BCS. Removed three Melf's Acid Arrows and one Lightning Bolt.
    1. Fixed PARGUS.CRE
  11. Sunin, AR1111 - now uses MAGE5B.BCS. Added two Flame Arrows. Removed one Melf's Acid Arrow and two Hastes.
    1. Fixed SUNIN.CRE
  12. Thalantyr, AR3202 - now uses MAGE5C.BCS. Added two Larloch's Minor Drains, one Mirror Image, one Melf's Acid Arrow, four Lightning Bolts. Removed one Larloch's Minor Drain and one Melf's Acid Arrow.
    1. Fixed HALBAZ.CRE ????? - wrong file!

NPCs affected who use MAGE7.BCS and edits made

MAGE7B.BCS swaps Lightning Bolt for Flame Arrow.

  1. Krystin, AR0112 - retains original script but downs a Potion of Insulation before combat begins.
  2. Tellan, AR1009 - now uses MAGE7B.BCS. Added one Melf's Acid Arrow, one Flame Arrow. Removed one Magic Missile, one Horror, one Skull Trap.
    1. Fixed TELLAN.CRE

NPCs who use Lightning Bolt but edits NOT made

  1. Andris (Andris) - has 70% innate resistance to electricity.
  2. Arkushule (Arkush) - found outside.
  3. Carsa (Carsa) - found outside.
  4. Davaeorn (Davaeo) - has 70% innate resistance to electricity.
  5. Denak (Denak) - found outside.
  6. Diana (Diana) - found outside.
  7. Ghost (Daitel) - has innate 100% resistance to electricity.
  8. Gorion (Gorion, Gorion3) - his spells either kill characters instantly or are used outside so concerns over his survival aren't really relevant in the game context; his Doppelganger version doesn't use spells.
  9. Hafiz (Hafiz) - found outside.
  10. Kahrk (Kahrk) - found outside.
  11. Kirian (Kirian) - found outside.
  12. Mutamin (Mutami) - found outside.
  13. Narcillicus (Narcil) - found outside.
  14. Phlydia (Phlydi2) - found outside.
  15. Rezdan (Rezdan) - found outside.
  16. Semaj (Semaj) - his battle is plenty difficult (so increased skill/resistance is overkill) and the room is large enough to reduce the risk of bounce.
  17. Shandalar (Shandal2) - found outside.
  18. Shaldrissa (Shaldr) - found in large cavern.
  19. Silke (Silke) - found outside.
  20. The Great Gazib (Gazib) - found outside.

*2 More detail on "Permanent corpses" tweak:

Areas affected and edits made

  1. AR2700 - Gorion [Ch.1] - becomes skeleton by Chapter 3 (AR2700.BCS, DXSKEL.CRE)
    1. x 3142 y 1404 face 12
  2. AR2800 - two bodies by wrecked caravan [Ch.1] - become skeletons by Chapter 3 (DEAD1.CRE, DEAD3.CRE, AR2800.BCS, AR2800.ARE)
    1. x 2188 y 3362 face 4; x 2360 y 3444 face 0
  3. AR3800 - Mirianne's husband [Ch.1] - becomes skeleton by Chapter 3 (HALFMIRI.CRE, DXSKEL.CRE, AR3800.BCS)
    1. x 3854 y 1480 face 16842752
  4. AR5402 - four Amnish soldiers and two miners [Ch.2] - become skeletons by Chapter 4 (DEAD2.CRE, DEAD1.CRE, DEAD3.CRE, DEAD4.CRE, DEAD5.CRE, DEAD6.CRE, DXSKEL.CRE, AR5402.BCS, AR5402.ARE)
    1. x 3188 y 1584 face 0; x 3129 y 1660 face 0; x 3028 y 1620 face 0; x 2484 y 1379 face 0; x 2596 y 1393 face 4; x 3768 y 729 face 0
  5. AR5403 - Amnish soldier [Ch.2] - becomes skeleton by Chapter 4 (DEADFUCK.CRE, DXSKEL.CRE, AR5403.BCS)
    1. x 1625 y 341 face 0
  6. AR1802 - three Amnish soldiers and three miners [Ch.4] - remain as bodies (DEAD.CRE, DEAD1.CRE, DEAD2.CRE

Areas affected but edits NOT made

  1. AR1209 - one Amnish solider and one miner [Ch.5] - remain as bodies for sake of Larriaz quest (DEAD1.CRE, DEAD2.CRE)
  2. AR1210 - two miners [Ch.5] - remain as bodies for sake of Larriaz quest (DEAD1.CRE, DEAD2.CRE)
  3. AR0615 - Emissary Tar [Ch.5] - remain as body (EMITAR2.CRE)
  4. AR2627 - three cats - remain as body (CATDEAD.CRE)

Areas with corpses but NOT included in the tweak

  1. AR0511 - multiple corpses - corpses could become skeletons by level 4 (CORPSE1.CRE, CORPSE2.CRE, SKELDED.CRE)
  2. AR0512 - multiple skeletons - remain as they are (SKELDED.CRE)
  3. AR0513 - two corpses and multiple skeletons - corpses could become skeletons by level 4 (CORPSE1.CRE, CORPSE2.CRE, SKELDED.CRE)


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